Mr. Sturgeon

Welcome To Our Page


Good morning everyone,


For today, you can choose any activity from the winter activity board posted earlier this week if you like, but I would like you to focus your time on the quinzee building challenge that I issued yesterday. It is calling for some more snow this evening, so I will extend the challenge until Monday, give you the weekend to get your quinzee in tip-top shape! Also, make sure you are continuing to log your activities in the two-week activity log posted yesterday.


Don't forget to post your finished product on any social media platform using the hashtag #BHSQuinzeeChallange!


Have a great weekend everyone!


Good morning everyone!

I would like to issue a new challenge based on the winter activity board that was posted on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. We have some fresh powdery snow, which makes for perfect conditions for building a Quinzee snow shelter. I built one with my daughter on the weekend, and it turned out great!

Quinzee building is one of the activities that is listed on the activity board and meets a few very important curricular outcomes as it relates to physical education.

I am challenging each student to take the next two days to try and build their very own quinzee snow shelter either on their own or with their family. I will include a video of how to construct your quinzee, then it is up to you to get creative and make your stand out. Once it's built, you can decorate it up however you like! 

As part of the activity, I am challenging you to take a photo or video of your quinzee either being built or once it's finished and post it to social media (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter) using the hashtag #BHSQuinzeeChallenge. 

With so much negativity and uncertainty in the world right now, let's take some time to be positive, have some fun, and make some memories with your family!

Dress warm, and have fun!

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Good morning everyone!

I would like to issue a new challenge based on the winter activity board that was posted on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. We have some fresh powdery snow, which makes for perfect conditions for building a Quinzee snow shelter. I built one with my daughter on the weekend, and it turned out great!

Quinzee building is one of the activities that is listed on the activity board and meets a few very important curricular outcomes as it relates to physical education.

I am challenging each student to take the next two days to try and build their very own quinzee snow shelter either on their own or with their family. I will include a video of how to construct your quinzee, then it is up to you to get creative and make your stand out. Once it's built, you can decorate it up however you like! 

As part of the activity, I am challenging you to take a photo or video of your quinzee either being built or once it's finished and post it to social media (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter) using the hashtag #BHSQuinzeeChallenge. 

With so much negativity and uncertainty in the world right now, let's take some time to be positive, have some fun, and make some memories with your family!

Dress warm, and have fun!

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Good morning everyone!


It was brought to my attention that the 2-week activity log file that I posted yesterday wouldn't open in some cases, so I will attach a new PDF form of the document to this post that should work.


For today's suggested activities, I would ask that you use the same activity bingo card that was posted yesterday (I will repost it on this post as well) to try and achieve two NEW lines today. I would like you to try and do as many activities that are different from the ones you did yesterday as possible to try and get your two new lines.


As always, if you engage in some other form of physical activity, either on your own or with your family, that is perfectly fine as well! I only ask that when you are participating in your activity, try to do it for at least 30min each day.


Please be sure to record your activity on the activity log to keep track of what you are doing!


Have a great day!



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Good morning everyone!


It was brought to my attention that the file I posted yesterday for the 2-week activity log was not able to be accessed in some cases. I will post a new PDF form of the document on this post. I tried opening it here and it worked. If there are any more issues, please send me an email at


For today, I am recommending that your student engages in any of the activities from the winter activity board that I posted yesterday. Or, if you are looking for more structured, outcome-based activities, they can participate in the "Day 2" activities that are posted on the k-2 or 3-5 activity map that I posted yesterday. I will repost all of the appropriate documents to this post as well for your ease.


Please be sure to have your student record their activity on their activity log, which should now be accessible.


Have a great day!



Good morning folks,

I have attached a 2-week physical activity log here. I would you ask that record your daily activities in the log. 

Each day I will post some suggested activities that you'd meet curriculum standards and outcomes, but you are welcome to be creative in choosing your daily physical activity as well. If you are participating in activities either on your own, or with your family, please record that activity in your log.


For today, I will be offering a fitness bingo activity. Using the suggested activities on the bingo card, I would like you to try and achieve two lines by completing the activities in the boxes on the card. If you complete the activity, you get to check off the box. A BINGO will be awarded if you get any two lines.


Have a great day!




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Good Morning everyone!

I will be posting physical education options and activities each day over the next two weeks. I am asking that every student from grades K-5 print off the attached "2 Week Physical Activity Log" and keep track of their daily physical activity participation. Each day, when a student completes at least 30min of physical participation, I am asking that a parent or guardian simply put an initial beside those recorded activities. Once students are able to return back to school in person (the sooner the better), I would ask that students bring their completed activity log back with them so I can see what types of activities they were able to complete during these two weeks at home!

Today I will also be posting a resource that your child will be able to refer to throughout the two weeks of home learning. This document is called the "Winter Activity Choice Board", and is full of organized activities that your child can complete and record on a daily basis. There are tons of suggestions on this board, and all of the activities can be done with minimal equipment, and can mostly be completed outside as part of regular outside leisure time. All of these activities are age-appropriate and can be completed by all students from K-5.

Also, if you are looking for more structured, outcome-based activities, I have included weekly maps for both K-2 and 3-5 students. These maps give daily warm-ups, skill-based practice, fitness activities, and mindfulness suggestions that are age-appropriate and are correlated with curriculum outcomes.

As I said, you can use this activity board daily moving forward, but I will also continue to post other activity suggestions that can be completed indoors as well on a daily basis.


Have a great day everyone!



Good morning everyone,

This is the final lesson in the home learning soccer series. We will begin with a new series of lessons on Monday.

I have included an outline of the activities, a description of each activity, and a link to a video demonstration of each activity.


Have a great day, and weekend!

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Good morning everyone,

Here are few activities that extend some of the learning for skills we were practicing with grades K-2 before home learning began. Thee focus on the basics of tossing and catching. These activities require minimal equipment and set up, and can easily be done from home.


Have a great day!

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Good Morning everyone,

We will take a break from the soccer skill development package for today. I am posting a simple yoga practice for today, followed by an easy mindfulness meditation to center yourself. Hopefully after the yoga and meditation, hopefully you are more relaxed an calm, and able to go about your home learning for your other classes in a little more peace.


Have a great day! - Yoga Flow - Guided Relaxation

