K-5 Physical Education Activities - January 12

Posted: January 12, 2022


Good morning everyone!


It was brought to my attention that the file I posted yesterday for the 2-week activity log was not able to be accessed in some cases. I will post a new PDF form of the document on this post. I tried opening it here and it worked. If there are any more issues, please send me an email at matthew.sturgeon@nbed.nb.ca.


For today, I am recommending that your student engages in any of the activities from the winter activity board that I posted yesterday. Or, if you are looking for more structured, outcome-based activities, they can participate in the "Day 2" activities that are posted on the k-2 or 3-5 activity map that I posted yesterday. I will repost all of the appropriate documents to this post as well for your ease.


Please be sure to have your student record their activity on their activity log, which should now be accessible.


Have a great day!