K-5 Physical Education Activities - January 11

Posted: January 11, 2022


Good Morning everyone!

I will be posting physical education options and activities each day over the next two weeks. I am asking that every student from grades K-5 print off the attached "2 Week Physical Activity Log" and keep track of their daily physical activity participation. Each day, when a student completes at least 30min of physical participation, I am asking that a parent or guardian simply put an initial beside those recorded activities. Once students are able to return back to school in person (the sooner the better), I would ask that students bring their completed activity log back with them so I can see what types of activities they were able to complete during these two weeks at home!

Today I will also be posting a resource that your child will be able to refer to throughout the two weeks of home learning. This document is called the "Winter Activity Choice Board", and is full of organized activities that your child can complete and record on a daily basis. There are tons of suggestions on this board, and all of the activities can be done with minimal equipment, and can mostly be completed outside as part of regular outside leisure time. All of these activities are age-appropriate and can be completed by all students from K-5.

Also, if you are looking for more structured, outcome-based activities, I have included weekly maps for both K-2 and 3-5 students. These maps give daily warm-ups, skill-based practice, fitness activities, and mindfulness suggestions that are age-appropriate and are correlated with curriculum outcomes.

As I said, you can use this activity board daily moving forward, but I will also continue to post other activity suggestions that can be completed indoors as well on a daily basis.


Have a great day everyone!