Mr. A. Hallihan


Thanks to Reese, Jacob B. and Nick for trying out the knots... check out @outdoorpursuits2020 on Instagram to see the knots they successfully tied!

Outdoors-man will be selling these squirrel picnic tables...

Wild and Free will be selling custom woodwork... stayed tuned for more details!

Posted: May 8, 2020

We have decided that the OP Fee for this semester will be $25.  With that said, those of you who have paid the $75 will be getting a $50 credit in the Fall that can be used towards any school activity.  As well, those who have not paid will need to pay this fee in their Grad 12 school year.  If there are any questions be sure to reach out to me through email


Posted: May 8, 2020

Thanks to Caleb and Andrea for participating... check out Anrea's video here:  ...

Posted: May 8, 2020

Photo Editing and Greenhouses...

Posted: May 6, 2020

This week the focus will be getting to market your product.  Continue to work on manufacturing your product and be sure to check your market research responses as you may get more this week with Mr. Buggie and Mr. Lehnert sharing your links on their FB pages.  You will be using an online program called Canva for both of these tasks.

TASK #1 - At this point you NEED a strong business name (if you have not done this already).  Now, create a logo for your business/product [Read attached PowerPoint lesson].  When finished, email me the logo in a format you created (JPEG, GIF, PNG, etc.).

TASK #2 - Once your logo is complete, you will now need create advertisements to market your product.  These ads should be designed to catch the attention of potential customers along with providing the necessary details about your product.  There are lots of options winthin Canva depending on what media you plan to use to market (Facebook, Instagram, flyer, poster, infographic, etc.)  Here is the link to design options...  Your ads must have the following...

- Business Name

- Logo

- At least one picture of YOUR product (not a pic from online search)

- At least two products details/facts

* If you know pricing, include but this is not necessary yet.

You need to create 2 different ads... email these ads in the format you created.



Posted: May 3, 2020

Weekly Tasks and Assignments... On Wednesday I will be releasing a PowerPoint on creating a Logo and Web Design for your business.

Reminder that tasks/assignments from last week that need to be completed and sent to me when finished...


Task #1 – Go back to your Business Model Canvas and update as you develop your idea(s). 

                 Check out the following 8 minute video to review components…


NOTE:  Use ... Sign up and click on ‘My Projects’ to update the canvas online.


Assignment #6 – Business Progress Update

Assignment #7 – Market Research Results


Monday – Wednesday this week I want you to make sure the assignments/tasks from last week are complete.  As well, using your Market Research Survey Results, refine your prototype and begin to mass produce.  On Wednesday we will begin to publish your business online with a logo, pictures of product(s) and an online order form.  These tasks will be assigned in my post on Wednesday… in the meantime continue working on the above tasks.                         


Note...  I have decided to change the submission days to be anytime up to Sunday.  I will also be posting some highlights from the previous week on Wednesday’s so you can see your classmates work as well.  I do plan to respond to your work by providing you some feedback through email.  Be sure to also check out the BHS Physical Education/Wellness post as it is important to maintain your physical and mental well-being during these times (on Facebook Wellness group) as well as Mr. Sturgeon’s Teacher page.  Feel free to reach out to me through email anytime as I am here to assist you in your learning.

Posted: May 3, 2020

ASSIGNMENT:  What’s In Your Backyard? (see links below as possible resources)

This week we will be exploring species that live in the woods and waters of New Brunswick.  You will need to create a PowerPoint or Google Slide presentation that summarizes your findings.  Be sure to include lots of pictures and facts…including any of your own wildlife pictures.  Be great to have video and audio clips as well!  Have fun with this one and I hope you will learn from this assignment what is in your backyard.


Hinterland Who’s Who…

Canadian Geographic…

Plant Watch…


PRESENTATION COMPONENTS:  You must have 5 NB species from each of the following categories…


1)      Mammals

2)      Birds

3)      Fish

4)      Reptiles/Amphibians

5)      Plants


NOTE:  Each species must have at least 2 pictures and 4 facts. 


CHALLENGE:   Pick lesser known species so awareness can be made from your work.  For the plants, choose edible species so that this information could be used for survival purposes.

SUBMISSION:  Send/share your presentation to

FYI... Uncle Paulie has released his second 'Knotty Time Fun' video for those who enjoyed the lesson on knots - check it out:


Note...  I have decided to change the submission days to be anytime up to Sunday.  I will also be posting some highlights from the previous week on Wednesday’s so you can see your classmates work as well.  I do plan to respond to your work by providing you some feedback through email.  Be sure to also check out the BHS Physical Education/Wellness post as it is important to maintain your physical and mental well-being during these times (on Facebook Wellness group) as well as Mr. Sturgeon’s Teacher page.  Feel free to reach out to me through email anytime as I am here to assist you in your learning.

Posted: May 3, 2020

Assignment...  Tinkcad Circuit Challenge (see attached document for details and instructions)

Alternative Assignment...  For those who are struggling with using Tinkercad, complete the attached Hack-A-Toy Challenge.  You must include pics of your creation and/or a short video of how it works. 

Brilliant Labs #MakerFun Challenge …



Submission...  I have created a new tab in TEAMS called ‘Week 5 Online Learning’.  Using OneNote on mobile device and/or Teams on

                  Laptop, take screenshots of your assignment and insert in the tab.  As well, include your video clip if you complete the

                  challenge.  If you are having difficulty with TEAMS, send the screenshots and video clip to


Note...  I have decided to change the submission days to be anytime up to Sunday.  I will also be posting some highlights from the previous week on Wednesday’s so you can see your classmates work as well.  I do plan to respond to your work by providing you some feedback through email.  Be sure to also check out the BHS Physical Education/Wellness post as it is important to maintain your physical and mental well-being during these times (on Facebook Wellness group) as well as Mr. Sturgeon’s Teacher page.  Feel free to reach out to me through email anytime as I am here to assist you in your learning.


Image Galleries

Added: Sun, May 10 2020


Added: Fri, May 8 2020


Env. Sci. 120 Research Paper Guidelines and Links
OP 110...Uncle Paulie's Outback Kitchen
Living Space Project