Week 8 Entrepreneurship 110

Posted: May 25, 2020

Weekly Tasks and Assignment... This week the focus will be on getting sales and finishing your Business Plan!

Task #1 – Social Media Marketing

We want to make a push for sales this week so you are going to use your ads as a way to market your products.  You decide on what social media platform(s) you want to use.  You may even want to start your own account for the business.  Remember back to your business model canvas section on customer channels.  You also need to consider the social media platform that best fits your target customers.  For example, Facebook may be popular with older people while Instagram tends to be used more by the younger population.  Pick one (or both) of your ads and create a social media post to promote sales.  Send me the link to your post(s) through email.  I will do my best to spread the post with the social media channels I manage.


Major Assignment (due May 31st) – Be sure to follow the PowerPoint lesson from last week on Creating Your Business Plan.  Use the Word document to complete the necessary sections [you may want to use Word online with office.com as it will let two people work on the same document].  When finished, save it as your company name and email me the document.  Your financial summary will reflect what you have accomplished up to May 31st although there is potential to keep this business going if you are interested. 



Task #1 – Send me link to your social media post…do this early in the week so you can boost sales!

Major Assignment – This is due May 31st…make sure all sections are complete