Mrs. J. Underhill - Archived 08/20 Notes

English 9, English 112, History 112/113


I have assigned the new reading in Common Lit, please take a look at it and read carefully to complete the questions. I have also uploaded the link for the new movie you need to watch this week. It is called "Storming Juno". In it, it has a re-enactment of the D-Day invasion on the beaches of Normandy in June 1944. Juno Beach was the beach the Canadians soldiers were responsible for and this film interviews actual veterans who were on Juno Beach during this very important event in Canadaian history. Please watch it and learn some very important Canadian history about WW2.

I will upload the assignment that goes along with this movie next week. Just watch the movie for this week.

Some of you still have not completed any of the work for this class, I greatly encourage you to do so. A couple of you have signed on but have not completed any work so please try to get caught up. Those of you who have signed on and are completing the work, you are doing great. I have released your results so you can see how you are doing. Please keep it up. It will pay off in the end. 

As always, if you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me through my email.

Take care and stay safe,

Mrs. J. xo

I have assigned your new reading for this week and I have also attached a new little assignment for you to complete as well (it has to do with FOOD)!! This is a fun assignment you can do with your family at home. Hope you enjoy it.

Please try to keep up with all of your work as this is help you to keep you brain active while you are at home. Remember to check out Mr. Sturgeon's page for some great mental/physical health activities.

Do not forget to try and do your journal entries for the COVID-19 pandemic and how you are coping with it. I have been receiving some entries and they are great. Some people are even choosing to do video entries of their activities. Great work! Keep it up!

Okay, as always, if you have any concerns, shoot me an email.

Take care and stay safe,

Mrs. J. xo

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Posted: April 17, 2020

I sent you all an very important message through the group chat. Please be sure to read out. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me.

Take care, stay home and be safe,

Mrs. J. xo

Posted: April 17, 2020

Well, I trust that everyone is settling in to this new way of "school". I am so pleased with those of you who have been doing the work consistently. It will help your brain through all of this. :)

There are still some of you who have no signed on and/or attempted the work assigned and I encourage you to do so as soon as possible. 

I hope you all have a great weekend and enjoy the sushine. It is supposed to be a beautiful weekend so get out and get some rays!

I will assign your new work for next week on Monday morning, so be sure to check it out.

Again, if you need to contact me, please do so through my email.

Talk soon, Mrs. J. xo

Posted: April 14, 2020


Please be sure to find a book to read this week. If this is a huge problem, just send me a note in an email, I will create something different for you to do. I will assign a new little "book Club" project next week so if you had a new or even old book to use, that would be great. Again, please let me know if this is a problem to get a book. Thanks.

Posted: April 14, 2020

I have assigned your new reading for this week in Common Lit. PLease log in to complete the questions. Be sure to finish all of the questions so you can receive a "complete" on your week's work.

For anyone who did not complete last week's work, please be sure to do so this week.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me.

I will, again, check in with you at the end of the week. In the meantime, take care, stay safe, stay home but get out to enmjoy some sunshine. Check Mr. Sturgeon;s teacher's page for some great outside activities. These are really good for you physically and mentally. Give them a try this week...I challenge you :)

Talk soon,

Mrs. J.


P.S. Keep up with your journals and send them to me if you want to share. Loved reading the ones from last week. 

Posted: April 14, 2020

I have assigned your new reading for this week in Common Lit. PLease log in to complete the questions. Be sure to finish all of the questions so you can receive a "complete" on your week's work.

For anyone who did not complete last week's work, please be sure to do so this week.

If you have any quesitons, please do not hesitate to email me.

I will, again, check in with you at the end of the week. In the meantime, take care, stay safe, stay home but get out to enjoy some sunshine - for those of you in O.P., we have a nice outside activity for you to complete. Be sure to check out Mr. Hallhan's page to get the details. I might even give this one a try.

Talk soon,

Mrs. J.


P.S. Keep up with your journals and send them to me if you want to share. Loved reading the ones from last week. 

Posted: April 14, 2020

I hope you have all watched the movie "The Lost Battalion" from last week's work. If you have not, no worries, please watch it this week. I will upload the link again.

Please complete the attached assignment for the movie and emial your final project to me by Monday, April 20th.

If you have any questions as to how to complete the assignment, please email me.

Do not forget to also complete the Common Lit reading I have assiged for you as week. Sign in and you will see your new reading - I encourage you to do all of the questions so you will get a "complete" on your week's work.

For those of you in O.P., we have a nice outside activity for yo to complete. Be sure to check out Mr. Hallhan's page to get the details. I might even give this one a try.

I will check in with you again this week. In the meantime, take care, stay safe, stay home but try to get out to enjoy the sunshine.

Talk soon,

Mrs. J. xo

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Posted: April 14, 2020

Well, we survived week 1 of our home learning journey! Great job to those of you who signed up and completed the work assigned last week. For any of you who have not signed up and/or completed the work, I encourage you to do so. Just follow through the posts from last week for your class. Everything is there for you.

I have assigned new Common Lit readings for English 9, English 112 and History 113. Please read up on the posts for your class to find out what you should work away at this week.

I will, again this week, check in with all of you to see how you are doing. In the meantime, you can use my email to contact me whenever you need to.

Take care. Get out and enjoy the sunshine and stay safe.

Mrs. J. xo

Posted: April 9, 2020

Well, we got through our first week of Home Learning, and I think we all survived. LOL I am so pleased that almost everyone has been able to sign in and participate in this continuation of your learning. I know it is very different than what we are used to but I think it will work for us considering the circumstances.

Here is a break down of what we did this week in all of my classes:

English 9 and 112 - students logged in to the program CommonLit and worked through their first piece of reading and submitted their responses. Remember to answer all questions so the program acknowledges all of your work and you do not get an incomplete.

History 113 - some students still have not signed on and I hope you choose to do so in the next couple of days. Those of you who did, please remember to complete the reading and the questions so I can see what you have done. Also, please take a look at the two videos I posted from Monday's post in order to be able to complete the work I will assign for next week.

Every week I will post the week's work on Mondays and I will update every day to give you pointers and/or hints to help you through it. I will then check in with you on Fridays to see how you all made out with the week's work.

Please remember to email me any of your questions and concerns. I was so glad that some of you took advantage of this this week.

I will be calling all of my homeroom students today to check in with all of you and just to chat.

Take care of yourselves and remember how much I miss you. PLEASE take care of your mental health first and do things that help with this - Mr. Sturgeon's teacher page has so many great activities for you to do which will help you with this.

I will talk to you all soon.

Enjoy your Easter at home with your families and stay safe.

Mrs. J.

Posted: April 8, 2020

Just a little note about thw Coomon Lit program. You guys are doing well with it, however, some of you are not reading carefully and making numerous attempts of get the correct answers. The program notifies me of all of this. So be sure you are reading carefully and taking your time with the answers. Remember, do not stress over this and attempt what you can, when you can. I am checking in every day and am always here for you to get in conntact me with through my email.

Take care and stay safe. I will check in with all of you again tomorrow.

Mrs. J.

Posted: April 8, 2020

I noticed that some of you stiil have not completed the assignments. No worries we still have time. However, if you have logged on and left some quesitons out, please be sure to complete all of the questions sp the program will acknowledge your work. The program sends me messages to notify me when all work as been completed and when some work is incompete, so just be aware of that.

Great job guys. Keep it up.

Take care,

Mrs. J.

Posted: April 7, 2020

I just checked on your work for CommonLit and I am so glad that you have all decided to joinand take part in this learning opporutnity. * One very important thing to keep in mind with this program is to attempt all of the quesitons and them submit them to me. I will then be able to read them and submit your response for you.

Great job guys, keep it up!

If any of you are completing your journals, I would love to take at look at them tomwards the end of the week. I would love to see how you are doing. This journal is also a great way for me to "see" you as well. Remember, you can use any format that you wish - written work or even a little video journal would be very cool as well. What ever way you would like to share your thoughts about everything that you are experiencing through this journey we are on, I would love to see.

Take care, stay home and and we will talk soon.

Mrs. J.

Posted: April 7, 2020

This is the article on the WW1 weapons. Read it to educate yourselves on these weapons the WW1 soldiers were able to use during the Great War. There is a little activity to complete at the end as well. This does not have to be submitted. You can just complete it on your own which is a great way to check your understanding of the new material.

If you have any questions about the atricle, just let me know through my email.


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Posted: April 7, 2020

Glad to see some of you took the time to log in to CommonLit and take advantage of this great learning opportunity. I added a link to my teacher page with some helpful tips to have while using the website, take a look at it, it is only about 4 minutes long.

Hope you also enjoy the movie "The Lost Battalion". It is a great movie which gives you a little insight into the lives of the WW1 soldiers and the hardships they had to endure. It also shows you some of the different and "new" weapons the WW1 soldiers would have used. I am going to upload an article on these weapons today. You should read it and learn anout the differnt weapons these WW1 soldiers were so excited to get and use during this historical era.

Mr. Sturgeon has also added a great little obstacle challenge for all of us to complete. You can find it on his teacher page. It is a great way for us to get outside and and enjoy some sunshine this week. Take a look at it and give it a try.

Remember to stay home, stay safe and stay healthy.

 Talk soon,

Mrs. J.
