Posted: April 14, 2020
I hope you have all watched the movie "The Lost Battalion" from last week's work. If you have not, no worries, please watch it this week. I will upload the link again.
Please complete the attached assignment for the movie and emial your final project to me by Monday, April 20th.
If you have any questions as to how to complete the assignment, please email me.
Do not forget to also complete the Common Lit reading I have assiged for you as week. Sign in and you will see your new reading - I encourage you to do all of the questions so you will get a "complete" on your week's work.
For those of you in O.P., we have a nice outside activity for yo to complete. Be sure to check out Mr. Hallhan's page to get the details. I might even give this one a try.
I will check in with you again this week. In the meantime, take care, stay safe, stay home but try to get out to enjoy the sunshine.
Talk soon,
Mrs. J. xo