English 9 - Home Learning Week 3 - April 20-24

Posted: April 20, 2020

I have assigned your new reading for this week and I have also attached a new little assignment for you to complete as well (it has to do with FOOD)!! This is a fun assignment you can do with your family at home. Hope you enjoy it.

Please try to keep up with all of your work as this is help you to keep you brain active while you are at home. Remember to check out Mr. Sturgeon's page for some great mental/physical health activities.

Do not forget to try and do your journal entries for the COVID-19 pandemic and how you are coping with it. I have been receiving some entries and they are great. Some people are even choosing to do video entries of their activities. Great work! Keep it up!

Okay, as always, if you have any concerns, shoot me an email.

Take care and stay safe,

Mrs. J. xo

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