Weekly Check-in

Posted: April 9, 2020

Well, we got through our first week of Home Learning, and I think we all survived. LOL I am so pleased that almost everyone has been able to sign in and participate in this continuation of your learning. I know it is very different than what we are used to but I think it will work for us considering the circumstances.

Here is a break down of what we did this week in all of my classes:

English 9 and 112 - students logged in to the program CommonLit and worked through their first piece of reading and submitted their responses. Remember to answer all questions so the program acknowledges all of your work and you do not get an incomplete.

History 113 - some students still have not signed on and I hope you choose to do so in the next couple of days. Those of you who did, please remember to complete the reading and the questions so I can see what you have done. Also, please take a look at the two videos I posted from Monday's post in order to be able to complete the work I will assign for next week.

Every week I will post the week's work on Mondays and I will update every day to give you pointers and/or hints to help you through it. I will then check in with you on Fridays to see how you all made out with the week's work.

Please remember to email me any of your questions and concerns. I was so glad that some of you took advantage of this this week.

I will be calling all of my homeroom students today to check in with all of you and just to chat.

Take care of yourselves and remember how much I miss you. PLEASE take care of your mental health first and do things that help with this - Mr. Sturgeon's teacher page has so many great activities for you to do which will help you with this.

I will talk to you all soon.

Enjoy your Easter at home with your families and stay safe.

Mrs. J.