Mrs. J. Underhill - Archived 08/20

English 9, English 112, History 112/113

Posted: June 12, 2020

Congratulations to all of you who have successfully completed your home learning. I know this process was not what we had hoped for but we have all gained some very valuable skills through it. I am so proud of you for enduring and pushing through, I know it was not easy. Rest assured that your hard work as paid off :)

I hope to see you all again in September in our normal environment! Until then, enjoy your summer with your family, but continue to be safe.

Take care,

Mrs. J. xo

I am not assigning anything new today. Please complete the work from last week and pass it in NO LATER than FRIDAY, JUNE 12 at 3:00.

Any outstanding work MUST be passed in as well.

ALL work must be passed in, in order for you to receive the CREDIT for the course!

If you have any questions, please just reach out to me.

I am so proud of all of you who have stuck with this. Great job!

Mrs. J. xo 

I am not assigning anything new today. Please complete the work from last week and pass it in NO LATER than FRIDAY, JUNE 12 at 3:00.

Any outstanding work MUST be passed in as well.

ALL work must be passed in, in order for you to receive the CREDIT for the course!

If you have any questions, please just reach out to me.

I am so proud of all of you who have stuck with this. Great job!

Mrs. J. xo 

Well, you are all on the home stretch! This is your last week for home learning. LaST WEEK, I assigned work for all classes and all of this work is due FRIDAY, JUNE 12.

Please be sure to email and complete all assigned work for each class by 3:00 FRIDAY! Unfortunately, I will not be accepting any work after this time.

Again, if you have any questions, please contact me.

I hope to contact all of you today at some point just to check in.

Posted: June 2, 2020

Home Learning ends June 12 and some of you still have not finished all of your Common Lit readings. Please review these and get them finished ASAP.

Good morning, everyone! I hope you are all doing well. As you have probably heard, we have some new cases this week in NB. Please know that this old virus is still with us and please, please, please, continue to follow the directions of our public health officials - social distance yourselves, wear your masks when you can not and continue to wash your hands. Be safe!

If you have not passed in your work for "The Boy in the Stripped Pajamas", please do so ASAP.

I am assigning work for you to complete for the next two weeks. So this work is not due until Friday, June 12.

I am assigning two readings in Common Lit. These readings will finish up the unit on World War 2. I am also going to add some links to some of the movies I suggest you watch. These are just suggestions especially for those of you who really enjoyed this unit.

One of the movies I suggest you try to get ahold of is "Schindler's List". This used to be avaibale on Youtube but it is no longer, but try to find it if you can. It is a film everyone should watch.

Suggested films to watch:

Schindler's List

Judgement at Nuremberg

The Diary of Anne Frank

Hacksaw Ridge


Here are some links to some of the suggested movies you may enjoy:

Great Escapes - Untold Stories - WW2 POW documentary -

Hotel Rwanda Documentary -

Nuremberg -

Shoah -

Good morning, everyone! I hope you are all doing well. As you have probably heard, we have some new cases this week in NB. Please know that this old virus is still with us and please, please, please, continue to follow the directions of our public health officials - social distance yourselves, wear your masks when you can not and continue to wash your hands. Be safe!

Well, you are almost finished your unit work for the Romantic poets. Last week, you got a little taste of William Wordsworth and read "Tintern Abbey". If you have not sent me your work for this, please do so ASAP.

This week, I am posting all of the work you need to finish for the nexdt two weeks. So you have until June 12 to get EVERYTHING passed in to me IF you want to receive the CREDIT. I CAN NOT give you any time AFTER June 12, so get all of your work sent to me BEFORE this date.

You will learn a little bit about the final poet for this unit, Samuel Coleridge. Now, he is a very complex poet. He has a bit of a sad story and, unfortunately, his poems were usually written during or after a drug-induced state. But, I am giving him to you this week to challenge you a little. Go through the steps I lay out carefully and slowly and you will be fine.

1. Watch the little video on Coleridge's life:

2. Watch the little summary for Coleridge's poem, "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner".

3. Watch this film of Coleridge's poem. It will make the poem a little easier to understand because it gives you a visual summary of what is happening to the mariner. This is a LONG poem but a good poem with a grteat message.

4. Listen to Coleridge's poem, "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner".

This is a VERY long poem, but it is one of Coleridge's most famous poems. Listen to it as you watch the video of the words.

5. Read through the powerpoint on "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner". This is attached below.

6. Watch the summary on Coleridge's poem, "Kubla Khan".

7. Read through the notes on the poem, "Kubla Khan". These are attached below.

8. Watch the video and listen to the reading of Kubla Khan.

8. Watch the video depiction of "Kubla Khan".

9. Complete the questions on the poems and email your responses to me. These quesitons are attached below.

AGAIN, this is a long poem but it will act as your final work for this course, so complete it the best you can and email your final work to me. IF you need any help with any of it, just call, text, message or email me and I will help you out.

ALL WORK FOR THIS COURSE MUST BE HANDED IN BY JUNE 12!!! This is so important so do your absolute best to get it all finished BEFORE next Friday.


Posted: June 1, 2020

English 9 - Website for Outsider practice tests

This is the site where you can create a free account and enjoy some little tests that go along with The Outsiders. Try it out for fun :)

Good morning, everyone! I hope you are all doing well. As you have probably heard, we have some new cases this week in NB. Please know that this old virus is still with us and please, please, please, continue to follow the directions of our public health officials - social distance yourselves, wear your masks when you can not and continue to wash your hands. Be safe!

So, you have finished reading/listening to The Outsiders (hopefully). I hope you enjoyed the novel. It is a great story. Some of you have not passed in your final chapter quesitons, please do this ASAP. For the next couple of weeks, you will finish off your year with some final assignmnets that go along with the novel.

This week I am uploading all of the work you need to finish for the course. So everything for this week will be due by next Friday, June 12. ALL work for the course MUST be passed in BY FRIDAY, JUNE 12 AT 3:00 p.m.

Work to complete by Friday, June 12:

1. I am attaching a final test for you to complete. You can write out the answers and take a picture and send it to my email or if you wish to print it off and fill in your responses and then send me your picture, that is fine as well.

2. I have also added a link to a nice site I found where you can create a free account and practice some little tests about the novel. I tried a couple of them and they are quite good. Please feel free to use this if you wish.

3. I am also attaching a little creative assignment for you to do. This is a t-shirt assignment where you must create and design a t-shirt for either the Greasers or the Socs. I am attaching the template for the t-shirt. You can print it off or you can trace it on to your own paper.

Once you have the template printed off or traced, you can begin to design your t-shirts. I have uploaded some examples of the t-shirts for you to use as a model as well.

Read through the directions and getcreative. I can not wait to see what you come up with.


So for this week, please complete the finall test and send it to my email.

I hope you all have a great week. The sunshine is so nice to see.


Image Galleries


History 113 - Storming Juno Assignment
English 9 - The Outsiders chapters 1-3 Quiz
English 112 - Hamlet Final Test
History 112 - People and Places Chart