Ms. Duffy - Archived 08/20 Notes

4/5 FI


Posted: December 11, 2017


8DU and 8DA


Both classes are writing a magazine and will be in the lab typing an interview this week.




We will finish presenting our projects Wednesday and be reading a book Thursday and Friday.




We are beginning to discuss birds and what adaptations they have to fly these are the notes for today and tomorrow.


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Posted: December 5, 2017

Variety Show tonight @ 6:30 pm. Admission is 5 for adulta and 3 for kids. 

Middle School Dance 7-9pm in cafeteria 

8DA & 8DU 

We are currently working on an interview. The class will spend this week asking each other questions for thier "Revue Pour Ados". 


We will be working on a research project and presenting our findings this week. 

6O Science 

We will be taking notes all week and working on the four forces flight and completing an in assignment this week. See attached notes for this week. 


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Posted: November 20, 2017

Grade 8’s are reminded that Tupperwear orders are due next week.

Report cards go home Wednesday

Parent Teacher  Thursday - 4:30 to 7:00 and Friday - 9:00 to 11:30

Friday there is no school


8DA & 8DU

We will be finishing our paagraphs of Music this week and moving on to our new unit which is creating a magasine for middle school students. 



We do not have french until Wednesday and we will be reading a book called "Les Inventions". 


6O Science 

Test on Wednesday. Please find attached review. This is the last test of this unit and we will be moving on to flight on Thursday. We will be playing Bazinga tomorrow to review or the test. 

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Posted: November 17, 2017

Great Week in Middle School

Grade 8’s are reminded that Tupperwear orders are due next week.

Report cards go home Wednesday

Parent Teacher  Thursday - 4:30 to 7:00 and Friday - 9:00 to 11:30

Friday there is no school


Grade 8DA

You were asked to talk to your parents about what they used to listen to music. Did they use a cassette players, cd player or another piece of technologies. We will be writing a paragraph about music next week and then moving on to a new unit.  


We will continue with our first paragraph (the differences between old and new music) and begin the second paragraph on your music preferences.


We started a new unit today “Petites et Grandes Inventions” we will be reading a book next week on the subject.

6O Science

We finished our reviews today in class and there will be a test on Wednesday. Those who were absent today are responsible for their own review sheets and will not get extra time next week. The review answers are posted below. Monday we will be doing scientific method and looking at the effects of water on skittles.

Have a great Weekend!

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Posted: November 6, 2017


November 9th  book orders due

November 9th Remembrance Day ceremony @ 10am (no hat day and please wear red or black)

November 9th School Clothing forms due

November 10th no school

November 13th no school

November 23rd and November 25th parent teacher.



We began music this week students have been listening to music from different decades and comparing it to new music. Students are to reflect on this tonight and come prepared to talk about some difference they came up with.


We will be presenting an interview on Wednesday and Thursday. The students worked on this last week with a partner. Friday we will be reading a book as a class.

6O Science

We began level of endangerment today. We copied down some definitions and looked at the sea mink which has been extinct since 1880 but once lived in the Bay of Fundy off the coast of Nova Scotia.  We will be looking at some different specifies in danger this week and doing a project in the computer lab Wednesday.   We are coming to an end of this Unit a quiz is to come. I have attached the notes from today as well as the assignment we will be doing.

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Posted: October 23, 2017



October 24th is Halloween dance 7:00 to 8:30 $5.00 a student. 

******CORRECTION*******October 25th is half day for students, dismissal is @ 11:30

October 30th Door decorating contest; Students bring old items from home and will have 15minutes to decorate homeroom class door. Winner gets bragging rights until Christmas.

October 30th and 31st student council will have free games and activities going on at lunch.

October 31st students may dress up but no scary costumes (blood, violence etc.) or masks at school.

November 1st prizes from Halloween activities will be drawn at lunch - Lots of goodies up for grabs.

November 10th no school PL Day

November 13th Remembrance Day ceremony @ 9:00 am

November 17th all book order due. The Flyer for French books is located below some prices were cut off of photocopies I handed out.

Food Drive is ongoing for October and will end October 27th. Winning class will be announced the following week.

Please remember no nut products of any kind at school.

Please remember is students are leaving early from school only a parent or guardian can sign them out in the office.

8DA and 8DU

We will spending all week on a clothing project and will be presenting PowerPoints next week.


Wednesday and Thursday will be spent finishing our phenomene etrange projects. Friday we will present to class.


Monday we will be looking at inebriates and doing a worksheet based on our readings. We will be doing a short activity on both vertebrates and invertebrates on Tuesday which will be marked. There is no homework or home study required for this. We will then move on to Arthropods.


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Posted: October 19, 2017


October 24th is Halloween dance 7:00 to 8:30 $5.00 a student.  

October 27th is half day for students, dismissal is @ 11:30

October 31st students may dress up but no scary costumes (blood, violence etc.) or masks at school.

November 10th no school PL Day

November 13th Remembrance Day ceremony @ 9:00 am

November 17th all book order due. The Flyer for French books is located below some prices were cut off of photocopies I handed out.

Food Drive is ongoing for October.

Please remember no nut products of any kind at school.


8DA and 8DU

We are currently working on clothing from the past and discussing how clothing and trends have changed. They students were all given homework last week and were to ask a parent what they wore when they were in middle school. Some did not complete this task and did not participate in the activity.

This week we also read a book En D’Autre Temps. We will be finishing up this book and beginning a research project on clothing on Friday and Monday. This will be presented to the class.


We have been discussing Extra Terrestrials and whether they are real or fake. The students have some great opinions and ideas on the subject.  We are currently reading a book titled Les OVNIS and will finish this up this week. We will do a short oral exercise on what their reaction would be if they saw and Extra Terrestrial in real life. Next week we will move on to creating our own Phénomène Etrange.  The students will think up their own story of legend and then do a news interview on the subject.

6O Science

Students were handed back their science quiz’s both 1 and 2. They were to bring these home and have them signed by their parents. Some students have yet to return these to me. Please return all tests by tomorrow.

We are currently finishing up a project on Vertebrates and adaptations they have. Students will be given today to finish and then must compete the rest on their own time. These will be due Wednesday.

We will be moving on to Characteristics of Vertebrate and Invertebrates. We have discussed this previously but we will be going more in-depth this week and next week and will be completing a short worksheet for both. There will be a marked assignment/quiz next week on this which will require study time at home. Information about this will be posted next week.

Have a great week and weekend !

Posted: October 13, 2017

It was another great week in Middle school! 

The road hockey tournament was a huge succes! Thank you to all the students who participated, it was a very successful fundraiser. 

All classes are reminded of the Food Drive for the local food bank. The race is tight and student council really appreciates all your efforts to help out! 

Ice cream sanwhiches will be for sale the rest of the week while supplies last. Any grade 8's who have not brought in their sandwiches are asked to try and bring them in this week. Thanks again to those who already have! 

8DU & 8DA

We have just finished up our presentations on cars and will be moving on clothing and discussing  the changes over the last 8 decades. 


We are still working on Phenomene Etrange and have just begun discussing extra terrestrials and whether they are real or fake. We will be reading the book Les OVNIS this week (Wed - Fri). 


This week was a big one for 6O science class. The students wrote a large quiz/test on Wednesday which was handed back today along with quiz 1. Please sign both quizzes and return them on Monday. We also began a research project on Thursday, the students are to pick a vertebrate and answer questions concerning them.  We spent Friday learning about how to use the internet to research and what the finish product should look like. Monday will be a research day and we will then take our information and turn it into a poster. Keep up the great work! 




Posted: October 6, 2017

Grade 8’s are reminded to bring in Ice cream Sandwiches for fundraising.

Holiday on Monday.

October 10th book Orders

October 11th Fire Prevention Week Presentation.

October 25th ½ for students.

October 27th Halloween Party/Dance

Grade 8DU and 8DA

We are finished our presentations and will be presenting them on Wednesday and Thursday.


We are finished writing paragraphs on Ogopogo and those who did not complete should finish on their own time and pass it in on Wednesday.


We worked in Scientific Method today. Everyone should have their books home to study for the test on Wednesday. Please see attached notes for those who forgot. Study Hard!

All walk a thon money was due today!


Have a great weekend!!!!!!!!!!!

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Posted: October 4, 2017

Walk – A – Thon sheets due tomorrow!!!!!

Walk-A-Thon is Friday from 9:30 to 11:30.

Book Orders due Tuesday October  10th. 

Grade 8DU & 8DA

Please remember to bring in your ice cream sandwiches, It is a great way to start fundraising for your end of year trip!



We will be finishing up our research projects on cars tomorrow and will begin to present Friday or Tuesday. We will be moving on to music next week and discussing the differences between new and old as well as our preferences.



We are currently working on a paragraph about Ogopogo and whether he is real or fake students will finish their drafts tomorrow and Friday.



We talked about animal adaptation today and watched a video on ecosystems and living and nonliving things within them. I challenged the students to find the definition of ecosystem tonight and bring it in to me tomorrow for a candy. This is their choice and is not required.


There will be a quiz on Wednesday on the notes and concepts we have learned since the last quiz. Student will be given review Friday and be given the entire class to work on it. Here are some of this weeks notes, the students also have notes on why Frogs are disapearing. 

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Posted: September 29, 2017

Don't forget about the Walk-A-Thon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

8DU and 8DA

Both classes will be working on a research project next week and will be presenting a powerpoint or smart notebook to the class.


We are currently discussing Phénoméne étrange, we discussed the Dungarven Whooper and Headless Nun as well as OGOPOGO. We will writing a paragraph on Ogopogo and if they think it is real or fake and why. 


In Science we are currently discussing warm and cold blooded animals, herbivores, carnivores, omnivores and will be moving on to frogs on Monday. This was a heavy note taking week and another quiz will be just around the corner! Students should get themselves in the routine of reading notes a few times a week as homework. This will make studying for tests much easier. 

Please see attached notes from this week,  

Have a great weekend!

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Posted: September 20, 2017




Middle School Dance Thursday 6:30 to 8:00 pm. Cost is $3.00 at the door and canteen will be available with drinks and chips. All items at the canteen are $1.00. School dress code applies.


September 27th: Half day students are dismissed at 11:25 am.


September 29th: Orange Shirt Day.




6O Science


Today we worked on a review for the upcoming quiz on Monday. Students were given a chance to work on notes and review questions. Please see attached review sheet for those who were absent or for any clarification. Everything the students need to know is included. We will be playing Jeopardy tomorrow to help with review and moving on to discuss the 5 kingdoms and animal classification this will not be on the quiz.




We are currently working on paragraphs describing a monster that they know, we will be finishing this up tomorrow.  


8DU & 8DA


Students worked on their good copy of their paragraphs on cars (comparing old and new), we will finish this up tomorrow and read a book on the subject as well.


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Posted: September 13, 2017


September 14th- Pictures due back (tomorrow)

September 15th - Terry Fox Walk – asking for a voluntary one dollar donation.

September 27th – ½ day for students.

September 29th – Orange shirt day.

Please return all forms as soon as possible.

Any bus students planning on walking to or from school must bring a note to homeroom giving permission to do so.  Parents may write one note for the entire year.

Students are only permitted one alternative bus note for the year. Bus notes must be sent to school with students, phone calls will only be accepted in case of emergency.



We are till working on describing the difference between old and new cars. Today the students also discussed which of the two they preferred and why.


No class today!


We are still working on describing monsters, everyone has picked monster and talked with a partner about their monster. We will be starting our paragraphs tomorrow as well illustrating a picture.

6 Science

Today we began the first unit Variety of Life and the students spent the class talking about why and how we classify items/animals etc.

Another Great Wednesday in Middle School.

Posted: September 12, 2017


Please return all forms as soon as possible.

Terry Fox Walk Friday @ 11:00 am - voluntary one dollar donation.

September 27th 1/2 day for students.

Please make sure that if students are arriving to school after 8:30am that they sign in to the office.

Any bus students planning on walking to or from school must bring a note to homeroom giving permission to do so.  Parents may write one note for the entire year.

Students are only permitted one alternative bus note for the year. Bus notes must be sent to school with students, phone calls will only be accepted in case of emergency.


We are working on Phénomène étrange. Students are currently discussing monsters they know and will be writing a paragraph later this week.  

8DA and 8DU PIF

We are currently working on Le Mode De Vie D'autrefois. We are currently talking about cars and students are comparing a 1920 Ford Model T to new cars. We will be writing a paragraph on cars and how they have changed later this week.

6O Science

We have spent some time going over scientific method and the 7 steps. We did a science experiment yesterday and went through the steps. Here are the steps if you would like to discuss them with your child.


  1. Hypothesis:

  2. Design an Experiment:

  3. List your materials:

  4. Procedure:

  5. Results/Observation:

  6. Conclusion and Communicate:  

I have attached the smart board notes if you need some information. Today we will finish up the work on the experiment and look at variables. This information will be used through the entire semester and it is important that students know what each step is. We hope to do another experiment on Friday.

Have a great week!

Ms. Duffy

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