Ms. Duffy - Archived 08/20 Notes

4/5 FI


Posted: October 15, 2018

Les Devoirs

1)      Read and  Log (English)/ Lire

2)      Study Spelling list 4 

3)      Study Mental Math Strategy # 1 Compensation (just read over strategy so that they understand the idea)

4)      Sign spelling test and do corrections.


Mots Fréquents Liste 4








Posted: October 12, 2018

Les Devoirs 

Spelling test postponed to Monday. We had many students out due the soccer jamboree. 


Have a great weekend!

Posted: October 10, 2018


Les Devoirs:

1)      Lire/Read

2)      Math sheet (return on Friday)

3)      Study Spelling list 3 (sentir, pardoner, malheureuse, moi, automne, frapper, mal). Test will be Monday. 

********** I forgot to send spelling test home, please ignore sign spelling in agendas*******Thanks! 

Posted: October 10, 2018

Check out these two stuffed turkeys from 4D on the Blackville Talon!


Posted: October 9, 2018


Les Devoirs:

1)      Lire/Read

2)      Math sheet (return on Friday)

3)      Study Spelling list 3 (sentir, pardoner, malheureuse, moi, automne, frapper, mal).


  Book order due tomorrow.  


This week:

Math :

We are working on number patterns and establishing the pattern rule.

We will also look at Strategy # 1 for mental math this week.  



We have started a new social studies unit and are discussing exploration. This week we will be discussing where we have explored, where we would like to explore and whom we explore with. We will also look at the types of exploration.

We are also working on descriptive text and will be writing a descriptive text on a person of our choice.

Posted: October 1, 2018



Read/ Lire

Study spelling

Sign spelling test

Read over mental Math strategy #2: students are asked to read the mental math strategy out loud to a parent and explain what it means. I have included both English and French in your child’s agenda. There is a new section at the back with mental math strategies.

Terry Fox Walk Friday – The school is asking for a $ 1.00 donation.  

Posted: September 26, 2018


Les Devoirs:

1)      Read/ Lire

2)      Study Spelling / Mots Fréquents (content, triste, malheureux, septembre, date, suivre)

3)      Return Photos (due tomorrow)

4)      Return Floride Sheet

5)      Orange Shirt Day Friday


What we have been working on:


This week we have been looking at 100’s chart and finding patterns in the chart and establishing a pattern rule.  Etc. )


French Language Arts

Unit 1: Health

We have been looking at healthy habits such as eating right, exercising, emotional health and social activities. We also discussed items that can be harmful to the body (drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, medications etc.) We will work a little with the food guide this week and we will review all concepts next week. After this nit s complete we will be starting Science Humain.


We have been working on a biography. Today we completed our draft copies of introduction, physical description and what the persons interest are. Tomorrow we will complete a draft paragraph of their person qualities and why they are important to them.


Students are reading independently at their instructional level and also any books of interest to them in the class. We will begin guided reading next week. We will really focus on comprehension and retell and predictions of stories.


We practiced a new song today: Dans mon école

See link:

Posted: September 24, 2018

Read English/ French 

Spelling words liste 1 

Return photos by Thursday or order online. 

Orange shirt day Friday 

** A French accent sheet was sent home in the mots frequents sleeve. This is not for studying it is to help students and parents when spelling the word orally. This sheet may stay at home for future list and study or stay in the plastic sleeve. 



Posted: September 21, 2018


Just a note to let you know 4D is homework free for the weekend. Next week we will start weekly spelling and students will continue to have French and English reading nightly. On occasion there may be a homework sheet sent home but it will be weekly homework and not nightly.

Here are a few friendly reminders:

Sept 27th pictures due back or order online yourself.

Sept 28th Orange Shirt day (see link below)


Here are the Math concepts we have been working on: 

Outcome: Understanding, comparing and ordering numbers to 10 000. 

We use the following concepts: Base 10 blocs, Place Value, Expanded form, Greater than, Less than, Equal to. 


Here are the FILA (French language arts) concepts we have been working on:

Describing Healthy activities such as physical activities, healthy eating choices, emotions and social connections.  

Describing people using name, age, qualities, physical characteristics and abilities.


               We will be writing a biography on a family member next week. 



Mlle Duffy

Posted: September 20, 2018

Please note homework agenda says page d'étude de mots but I did not send one home. So the only homework is read in english and french. 


P. Duffy 

Posted: September 18, 2018

Here is the étude mots for the next 10 week begining September 24th to September 28th. The list will be sent home this week and the first quiz (liste 1) will be Septmeber 28th. 



File spelling_10_weeks.docx12.66 KB

Posted: September 18, 2018

Here are few songs will be looking at this week,. O Canada in french is also included. 

PDF icon je-suis-une-pizza-lyrics.pdf377.86 KB
PDF icon o-canada.pdf30.7 KB
File en_voici.docx254.54 KB

Posted: September 18, 2018


Homework 4D


1)    Walk-A-Thon money due tomorrow.


2)   Read in English and French.


3)   No spelling sheet tonight.


4)   Pick a person in your family to do a biography on. Students will need to know the following information about the person:




Name, Date of Birth, Age, Physical Description, Their tastes/Interests (some examples could be favorite food, color, hockey team, old cars, dancing, playing guitar etc.), Qualities (nice, funny, quiet, intelligent etc.)




Writing the biography is not for homework, the students were asked to talk to the person they chose or their parents and find out the information. We will be writing the biography at school this week. J


Upcoming Dates:


September 19th – Walk-A-Thon money due


September 20th  - Walk A Thon Grades 3-5 will walk to the Y from 12:50 to 2:00pm.  


September 23rd – Home and School Family Fall Fair at Blackville Park 2:00 pm to 4:00pm.


September 28th – Orange Shirt Day




Grade 6 PIF


Bring Fall Photo  


Posted: September 14, 2018


Hello / Salut


We had another wonderful week in Grade 4 French Immersion.  By now you have noticed that your child has had a printing sheet in their homework binder. We have been working our way through the Grade 3 French Immersion word list and will continue to do so next week. Your child will continue to have printing sheets in their homework binder until we complete the Grade 3 word list. The purpose of this is to reinforce and practice Grade 3 words they may have difficulty remembering before we move on to Grade 4 words.  Once we are ready for the Grade 4 list you will find an “L’étude de Mots” sheet in the plastic page protector marked Mots Fréquents in the homework binder.  


You may have also noticed that there is a French reading book in your child’s homework. Not everyone has received their levelled reading books as I have not had the chance to sit down and read individually with each student. I hope to have this completed by mid-next week. By this time all students should have a book for “lecture” in their homework binder.


Mrs. Sturgeon has also assigned your child a nightly reading book and you will find instructions from her in the “Lecture” plastic sheet.


4D is an awesome crew of kids and they have been working hard this week!


Here are a few friendly reminders: 


  •        TOMORROW IS BECCA SCHOFIELD DAY (Sept 15th)   

#Beccatoldmeto see the card that was attached in your child’s agenda last week. Try to do a random act of kindness over the weekend. ***Ask your child about the secret act of kindness they received today from an anonymous person (wink, wink)***

  • Please pay your student fee.

·        Walk – A – Thon Sept 20th (money due Wed. Sept 19th).


·        Home and School Fall Fair Sept. 23rd @ the Blackville Park 2:00 to 4:00pm.


·        Orange Shirt Day Sept. 30th


·        Please include addresses or destinations on any bus notes sent to school. This makes it easier for the office to determine the correct bus. Also the office is asking that bus notes be used only for after school care and not social gatherings. ThanksJ



Merci et bon fin de semaine! 








Posted: September 5, 2018

Bienvenue à la 4e année!

Grade 4FI has had a great first two days at school, what a wonderful group of students! We have spent the last two days reviewing basic French concepts and getting to know each other. We will spend most of the next few days getting back in school routines and showing what we know. I’m so very excited to spend this school year with such a great group!


Here is a few friendly reminders:



·       Gym everyMon, Tues, Wed and Thurs. Please make sure students have their gym clothes and sneaker with them on these days.

·       Please pay student fee ($25.00).

·       Please return all forms.

·       Cafeteria will remain closed the rest of this week.

·       Please sign your child’s agenda nightly (homework will tentatively begin next weekJ).

