Posted: September 13, 2017
September 14th- Pictures due back (tomorrow)
September 15th - Terry Fox Walk – asking for a voluntary one dollar donation.
September 27th – ½ day for students.
September 29th – Orange shirt day.
Please return all forms as soon as possible.
Any bus students planning on walking to or from school must bring a note to homeroom giving permission to do so. Parents may write one note for the entire year.
Students are only permitted one alternative bus note for the year. Bus notes must be sent to school with students, phone calls will only be accepted in case of emergency.
We are till working on describing the difference between old and new cars. Today the students also discussed which of the two they preferred and why.
No class today!
We are still working on describing monsters, everyone has picked monster and talked with a partner about their monster. We will be starting our paragraphs tomorrow as well illustrating a picture.
6 Science
Today we began the first unit Variety of Life and the students spent the class talking about why and how we classify items/animals etc.
Another Great Wednesday in Middle School.