Posted: September 29, 2017
Don't forget about the Walk-A-Thon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8DU and 8DA
Both classes will be working on a research project next week and will be presenting a powerpoint or smart notebook to the class.
We are currently discussing Phénoméne étrange, we discussed the Dungarven Whooper and Headless Nun as well as OGOPOGO. We will writing a paragraph on Ogopogo and if they think it is real or fake and why.
In Science we are currently discussing warm and cold blooded animals, herbivores, carnivores, omnivores and will be moving on to frogs on Monday. This was a heavy note taking week and another quiz will be just around the corner! Students should get themselves in the routine of reading notes a few times a week as homework. This will make studying for tests much easier.
Please see attached notes from this week,
Have a great weekend!