Mrs. O'Keefe - Archived 09/19 Notes

Mrs. O'Keefe


Posted: February 7, 2019

NRF 10- Notes and examples on mixed to entire radicals   See the attached PDF file of today's notes.

      Class/Homework: Page 218 #7b, 8b, 10e, 11egi, 12bdfhj, 13, 14, 17, 17ac, 18ac

                                      Quiz Tomorrow

Math 6 - Reducing ractions review and how to write percent for fractions with denominators not 100.  Test will be Tuesday, Feb 12

       Class / Homework:  Worksheet on reducing fractions (attached)

                                        Test will be Tuesday, Feb 12 

 Math 8 -We did a warm-up before the quiz that was similar to the quiz.  After the quiz we started to model a fraction divided by a whole number using blocks and a whole number divide by a fraction with a numberline.  

     Class / Homework:: No homework   


Science 9-  Notes on the revolution and rotation of earth.  

             Homework: No homework


Posted: February 6, 2019

NRF 10- More notes on and exmples on how to reduce a ratical (Entire to mixed) using product of perfect nth and primefactorization.  See the attached PDF file of today's notes.

      Class/Homework: Page 218 #4cdh, 9, 10abcd, 11abcd

Math 6 - QUIZ today then notes and examples of percents  Test will be Tuesday, Feb 12

       Class / Homework:  Page 188-189 #1a, 4a, 5ac, 8ab, 9ab, 10, 13

                                        Test will be Tuesday, Feb 12 

 Math 8 -We did a warm-up on how to  multiply Mixed fractions by a  mixed fraction & REDUCE.  QUIZ TOMORROW

     Class / Homework:: Page 128 #2 to #8b   (Use rules for most questions except model #2a & 4c)


Science 9-  Notes on how to calculate distance to stars using lightyears.  Then we started notes on noteson our solar system

             Homework: No homework


Posted: February 4, 2019

NRF 10-  Notes on and exmples on how to reduce a ratical 9Entire to mixed) using product of perfect nth and primefactorization.  See the attached PDF file of today's notes.

      Class/Homework: Page 206 #2adeg, #3abef, 

                                     Page 211 #3

                                    Page 221 #9ab 

Math 6 - More review of yesterday's concept on equivalent RATIOS.    QUIZ tomorrow. (Outline was given today in class and are in the pdf notes below)

       Class / Homework:  wORKSHEET Extra practice 5 (#1abc, 2abc, 3, 4, 6)


 Math 8 -We did a warm-up on how to  multiply Mixed fractions by a  mixed fraction & REDUCE. 

     Class / HomeWork:: Page 120 #15abce, 16a   

                                        Page 125 #4abc, 4bhe, 6bhe 

Science 9-  MORE Notes & video s on constellations.

             Homework: Fill out the constellation assignment (attached below)

Posted: February 1, 2019

NRF 10- Passed back pre-test of grade 9 material (exponent laws, fractions, simplifying variable expressions).  Notes on Powers and how to estimate radicals.  See the attached PDF file of today's notes.

      Class/Homework:  none


Math 6 - More review of yesterday's concept on equivalent RATIOS. 

       Class / Homework:  Page 182-183 #4,6,7,9,10,11


Math 8 -We did a warm-up on how to model a fraction multiplied by a  fraction. Then went onto using the rule of mutiplication of fractions and reducing

     Class / HomeWork:: Page 113  #13ab(model)    Page 118 #6, 7abc, 8abc,9, 11, 12a  (Use only the rule and reduce for pg 118)


Science 9-  Note & video s on constellations.

             Homework: No Homework


Posted: January 31, 2019

NRF 10- Passed out the course outline and did a pre-test of grade 9 material (exponent laws, fractions, simplifying variable expressions)

      Class/Homework:  none


Math 6 - Questions and notes on equivalent RATIOS. 

       Class / Homework:  Page 182 #1abc,2ab,3ab  (Most had this done by the end of class but if is not it is homework)


Math 8 -We did a warm-up on how to multiply whole number by a  fraction. Then went onto modeling how to multiply 2 fractions

     Class / HomeWork:: Page 113  #5, #6, 7d, 8ace


Science 9-  Handed out course outlines and then started notes on science and scientist and a quixk review of the scientific method

             Homework: Research 4 differnt types/branches of scientist (not discussed in class today). What do they study? Find 1 female & 1 male Scientis and what do they do in their research.


Posted: January 30, 2019

Math 6 - More review questions on  RATIOS. 

       Class / Homework:  Page 178 #4,6,7,9,11  (Most had this done by the end of class but if is not it is homework)

Math 8 -We did notes and exapmles of how to multiply whole number by a  fraction

     Class / HomeWork:: Page 108-109  #6,7,8a,9an.11abc


Science 6-  continued to make their own webquest or kahoot

             Homework: No Homework


Posted: January 29, 2019

Math 6 - All quizes from last week were handed back. We went over the questions that gave the class trouble.  Reviewed equivalent fractions and then moved onto notes on RATIOS. 

       Class / Homework:  Page 178 #1,2,3

Math 8 -Presentation on BYOD then we did a review of  the lesson on fraction of a whole.

     Class / HomeWork:: Complete the Sheet  from last day  ALL Questions  on the Power Builder


 Science 6-  Presentation then woked on an assignment designingi own webquest or kahoot

             Homework: No Homework


Posted: January 23, 2019

Science 9 -No class

               Homework:  Study your notes for the Exam  is Thursday morning              

Math 6 - Quiz today on Fractions Mixed & Imprpwer, equivalent, Camparing . we went over yesterday's worksheet in detail then did the quiz. 

       Class / Homework:  No Homework

Math 8 -Quiz on Review of grade 7 adding and subtracting Mixed fractions then did a lesson on fraction of a whole.

     Class / HomeWork:: Sheet (Attached) Finishe  ALL Questions  on the Power Builder


 Science 6-  Presentation then woked on an assignment on famous scientist in the lab

             Homework: No Homework


Posted: January 22, 2019

Science 9 -No class

               Homework:  Study your notes for the Exam                

Math 6 - Review of all material (Fractions Mixed & Imprpwer, equivalent, Camparing)  Quiz Tomorrow.  Quiz outline was given in today's lesson and students had to copy it down.

       Class / Homework:  Finish the worksheet from class (Students had 40 minutes to work on this)

                                         Study for the quiz that is tomorrow

Math 8 -Review of grade 7 adding and subtracting Mixed fractions (Student had most of the class time to finish the following HW. If it was not completed in class then it must be done at home)

     Class / HomeWork:: Sheet (Attached) Extra Practice 1 ALL Questions  

                                       Quiz Tomorrow 

Science 6-  Woked on an assignment on famous scientist in the lab

             Homework: No Homework


Posted: January 18, 2019

Science 9 -Work on the exam review (Make sure to include info on the Exam outline)

               Homework:  Study your notes Since the Exam is Wednesday Jan. 23   (Exam Review is attached below)                          

Math 6 - Comparing fraction notes day 3 are attached

       Class / Homework:  Page 174 & 175  #6abc( no number line, just show work on how to order from least to greatest )

                                                                      #7ad (No # line,  just show work on how to order from least to greatest)

                                                                     #8 , #9, #11  (No # line) 

Math 8 -Review of grade 7 adding and subtracting Mixed fractions (Student had most of the class time to finish the following HW. If it was not completed in class then it must be done at home)

     Class / HomeWork:: Sheet (Attached) Front #1,5,7,9   BACK 1,5,7,9


Science 6-  Woked on an assignment on flight

             Homework: No Homework


Posted: January 17, 2019

Science 9 -Work on the exam review (Make sure to include info on the desk)

               Homework:  Study your notes Since the Exam is Wednesday Jan. 23   (Exam Review is attached below)                          

Math 6 - Comparing fraction notes day 2 are attached

       Class / Homework:  Page 137-174  #1, 2, #3ab


Math 8 -Review of grade 7 adding and subtracting fractions (Student had most of the class time to finish the following HW. If it was not completed in class then it must be done at home)

     Class / HomeWork:: Sheet (Attached) # 1abcd #2abc, #3abc #4ab, #5, #6


Science 6-  Woked on an assignment on flight

             Homework: No Homework


Posted: January 16, 2019

Science 9 -Work on the exam review (Make sure to include info on the desk)

               Homework:  Study your notes Since the Exam is Wednesday JAn. 23   (Exam Review is attached below)                          

Math 6 - Comparing fraction notes

       Class / Homework:  No HW


Math 8 _Review of grade 6 changing mixed to impoper and then learned how to convert improper to mixed frations  & REDUCE (Student had most of the class time to finish the following HW. If it was not completed in class then it must be done at home)

     Class / HomeWork:: Sheet (Attached) # All questions



Science 6-  Webquest at the BBT lab

             Homework: No Homework


Posted: January 15, 2019

 Science 9 -Work on the exam review (Make sure to include info on the desk)

               Homework:  Study your notes Since the Exam is Wednesday JAn. 23   (Exam Review is attached below)                          

Math 6 - Reviewed changing mixed to imrpoper and then learned how to convert improper to mixed frations (Student had most of the class time to finish the following HW. If it was not completed in class then it must be done at home)

       Class / Homework:  Page 169 #4abc, #5abc, #6, #7, #8, #9


Math 8 _Review of grade 7 comparing fractions

     Class / HomeWork:: Sheet (Attached) #Do the circled Questions on Front #1 #3adef, #4abcd        ON Back 3bde, 7abc, 8abcd,  9


Science 6-  Finished the Notes on Famous Pilots then started the in-class assignment

             Homework: No Homework


Posted: January 14, 2019

 Science 9 -Work on the exam review (Make sure to include info on the desk)

               Homework:  Study your notes Since the Exam is Wednesday JAn. 23   (Exam Review is attached below)                          

Math 6 - Reviewed changing mixed to imrpoper and then learned how to convert improper to mixed frations (Student had most of the class time to finish the following HW. If it was not completed in class then it must be done at home)

       Class / Homework:  Page 168 #1, 2, 3


Math 8 _Review of grade 7 equivalent fractions

     Class / HomeWork:: Sheet (Attached) #1all, #2, #3 #5abcd, #6, #7abc, #8abcde


Science 6-  Notes on Famous Pilots

             Homework: Study you notes 10-15 min each night (We will have an in-class assignment rather than a test on Flight)


Posted: January 8, 2019

Science 9 - Finished the notes on Meiosis 

               Homework:  Study your notes Since the test is Friday EVEN if there is a storm day (Test outline was handed out Before the break)                              

Math 6 - Reviewed Modeling imrpoper and mixed freations (Student had most of the class time to finish the following HW. If it was not completed in class then it must be done at home)

       Class / Homework:  Page 164   #1, 2, #3a, #4(draw models)


Math 8 How to recoginze Tesselations 

     Class / HomeWork:: No HW


Science 6-  Notes on Propellers

             Homework: Study you notes 10-15 min each night (We will have an in-class assignment rather than a test on Flight)
