Posted: January 31, 2019
NRF 10- Passed out the course outline and did a pre-test of grade 9 material (exponent laws, fractions, simplifying variable expressions)
Class/Homework: none
Math 6 - Questions and notes on equivalent RATIOS.
Class / Homework: Page 182 #1abc,2ab,3ab (Most had this done by the end of class but if is not it is homework)
Math 8 -We did a warm-up on how to multiply whole number by a fraction. Then went onto modeling how to multiply 2 fractions
Class / HomeWork:: Page 113 #5, #6, 7d, 8ace
Science 9- Handed out course outlines and then started notes on science and scientist and a quixk review of the scientific method
Homework: Research 4 differnt types/branches of scientist (not discussed in class today). What do they study? Find 1 female & 1 male Scientis and what do they do in their research.