Ms. Buggie Hachey - Archived 08/20

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Posted: March 13, 2018

la danse des légumes

Les devoirs (homework) March 12th- 16th

·         Finish the 3 sheets of the alphabet/numbers to 20.

·          Math: Addition sheets (how to make 5 and how to make 6. Students will colour in the pictures using two different colours.)

·         Read the lyrics to “Katherine Coccinelle” (yellow duo-tang)

·         Gesture: using hands as binoculars

·         Listen to the song: Katherine Cocinelle

·         Reading: Students received one book to read for the week.

·         Continue listening to French songs


To help your child to achieve greater success, here are a few suggestions you can use as a guide: 



·          Quel fruit aimes-tu manger? (What fruits do like eating?)

o     J’aime manger …. des pommes (I like eating apples.)

o     J’aime manger les bananes. (I like eating bananas.)

·          Quel légume aimes-tu manger? (What vegetables do you like eating?)

o     J’aime manger les carottes. (I like eating carrots.)

·          Quel viande aimes-tu manger? (What types of meat do you like eating?)

o     J’aime manger… du poulet, du poission. (I like eating chicken, fish etc.)

·          Quel produit laitier aimes tu manger ou boire? (What dairy products do you like eating or drinking?)

o     J’aime manger.. du fromage, du yogourt. (I like eating cheese, yogurt etc.)

·          Quel produit céréalier aimes tu manger? (What grain products do you like eating?)

o     J’aime manger des cereals, du pain. (I like eating cereal… bread.)


·          written math problems (addition and subtraction)  

·         Mental math: addition to up 12

·          Doubles (2 +2, 3 +3, 4+4 etc.)

·          Addition/subtraction


Due Date: 

Monday, March 12, 2018

Posted: March 10, 2018

Posted: February 27, 2018


Posted: February 27, 2018

J'aime les fruits

Posted: February 27, 2018

Je suis une pizza

Posted: February 27, 2018

Bonjour l'hiver

Posted: February 26, 2018


Les devoirs (homework) February 26th- March 2nd

Theme Days for Winter Carnival: Monday - Dress to Impress, Tuesday - Twin Day, Wednesday - Pink Day (Bully Awareness Day), Thursday - Eagle Pride Day, Friday - PJ Day

 * Skating on Friday from 8:45-10:10 (see notice in students' homework bag) 

·         Finish the 3 sheets of the alphabet/numbers to 20.

·         Math“Je peux faire dix” (addition up to 10) and “Je peux additionner” (addition)

·         Read the lyrics to “David Dragon” (yellow duo-tang)

·         Gesture: thumb up

·         Listen to the song: David Dragon

·         Reading: Students received one book to read for the week. It is important that they read this book several times throughout the week.

·         Continue listening to French songs


To help your child to achieve greater success, here are a few suggestions you can use as a guide: 



·         Qu’est-ce que tu veux être quand tu seras grand? (What do you want to be when you grow up?)

Some examples are:

·         Je veux être un(e) charpentier. (I want to be a carpenter.)

·         Je veux être un(e) pompier. (I want to be a firefighter.)

·         Je veux être un(e) enseignant(e). (I want to be a teacher.)

·         Je veux être un(e) policier. (I want to be a police officer.)

·         Je veux être une coiffeuse. (I want to be a hairdresser.)

·         Je veux être un medicin. (I want to be a doctor.)


·         Counting backwards from 50-0.

·         Mental math: addition to up 12

·         Doubles (2 +2, 3 +3, 4+4)

·         Addition/subtraction

Due Date: 

Friday, February 23, 2018

Posted: February 23, 2018


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Added: Mon, Apr 1 2019


Added: Fri, Sep 27 2019