Mrs. A. Moody - Archived 08/20

“If you can dream it, you can do it.” – Walt Disney

Posted: May 25, 2015

Students had time in class to work on these questions.  Please have them ready for tomorrows class. 
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Posted: May 25, 2015

Students must complete their review sheet for tonights homework.  We will be going over it in class tomorrow. 
File review_1.docx31.75 KB

Posted: May 25, 2015

- Student will be writing a reading comprehension test tomorrow.  Go over your notes on: comparing and contrasting, Authors purpose and Cause and Effect.  Good Luck! Please remember to get all assignments signed and returned. 

Posted: May 13, 2015

PCAP Assessment, Thursday May 14Just a reminder to 8O students to bring a calculator, shape pencils, eraser and a book with them tomorrow!  Good luck!

Posted: May 13, 2015

Homework: - Finish Nightly homework for Wednesday- Do question # 1 a, b, and c on page 293 of text book.  - Remember to bring or get some graph paper for class.  - Please get your probability quiz signed  Have a great day** Just a reminder that Grade 6 students will be writing their Provincial Assessment on May 21.  Good Luck!

Posted: May 11, 2015

Reading assignment is due tomorrow.  8O - Students will be writing their PCAP on Thursday, May 14.  A memo was sent home with your child.  Students should bring a calculator, pencils and a book. 

Posted: May 11, 2015

- Get quiz signed and returned - Nightly homework starts this week.  Please have Monday's done for tomorrow- Have your math assignment ready to type up in tomorrow class.  Finished assignment is due Wednesday, May 13.   Have a great week :) 

Posted: May 8, 2015

Students will no longer have weekly homeowork.  Students are responsible for finishing their homework nightly as we will be going over the questions in class the next day.   
File review_for_week_of_may_11_to_15.docx133.59 KB

Posted: May 5, 2015

- Math Assignment is due next Wednesday, May 13- Students will be having a quiz on Friday, May 8 (lessons 1 and 6 from our Data Analysis and Probablity Unit)- Extra help will be Thursday, May 7 from 1:20 to 1:40 

Posted: May 5, 2015

- Poetry Assignment is due this Friday, May 8- Reading Comprehension article is due Tuesday, May 12.  Please see me in flex if you have any questions.


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Grade 6 Weekly Math Homework
Math Howework Feb 8-12
Grade 6 Math Homework Feb 1-5