Posted: June 8, 2020
There will be no new assignments this week. All assignments are due Friday June 12th at midnight in order to receive "credit" on your transcript.
Posted: June 8, 2020
There will be no new assignments this week. All assignments are due Friday June 12th at midnight in order to receive "credit" on your transcript.
Posted: May 3, 2020
Assignment # 2 – Cover Letter (10 Marks)
This week I am asking you to prepare a cover letter demonstrating that you are aware of the proper format (provided). Your letter is to be addressed to an employer (current or made up one to demonstrate that you comprehend the correct format). If a computer is unavailable, you may pass in a handwritten copy.
Marking Rubric
Correct Format-4
Grammar- 2
On time-2 ( Due May 10th)
Effort – 2
Please send me a message on FB or if you have any concerns or questions.
Posted: April 13, 2020
Posted: April 6, 2020
Posted: April 5, 2020
April 5, 2020
Hi everyone,
This week we will be starting our Home Learning adventure! Please don’t feel overwhelmed because I am with you all the way. I will be teaching the English portion of your child’s extended learning and my goal is to provide weekly lessons to allow for flexibility. Learning activities should take about 10 to 15 minutes each day, for the week of April 6th to April 9th. All information to support these activities will be uploaded to my teacher’s page on April 6th.
Here is a brief outline of what this week’s learning will look like.
Monday: Writing activity
Tuesday: Reading activity with comprehension questions
Wednesday: Extension of Monday’s activity
Thursday: Quick write and daily reading
Friday: Happy Easter!
In the end, I want to say thank you for supporting your child’s learning. You can contact me through email if you have any concerns, or if your child needs any support.
Take care, stay safe and I miss you all :)
Mrs. A Moody
Posted: March 15, 2018
Your binder and assignment #1 are both due on Monday, March 19th.
Posted: June 12, 2017
Students will be writing their quiz on lessons 7-9 on Friday.
Reading assessment for lessons 1-12 will take place next Monday and Tuesday.
Please study your notes.
Posted: June 12, 2017
There will be no weekly homework for this week and next.
Students have a quiz tomorrow on measuring line segments on a grid and transformations.
Please sign and return your quiz from last week.
Posted: June 6, 2017
Tomorrow students will be writing their provincial assessment for math, language arts, french and science. We encourage all students to be well prepared and come on time. Good luck!
Posted: May 29, 2017
L.Arts - Please sign and return your book talks and biographies
Math - Math test on Wednesday. There will be extra help tomorrow at lunch and from 3-4
Dance - June 8th, from 7:30 to 9:00, cost $3, Dress casual
Posted: May 8, 2017
Students will be presenting their book talks tomorrow and Wednesday. Please make sure you are prepared for either day.
Posted: April 25, 2017
Students should be working on completing their drafts for their biographies by the end of this week. Final copies will be due next Wednesday.
Book talks are due Monday of next week.
Posted: April 19, 2017
Students will be writing their unit test on Angles on Monday, April 24
I will be having extra help from 3-4 on Thursday.
Posted: April 18, 2017
Students are working on their biographies. They should have their paragraphs done on the individuals background and their career information.
Posted: April 7, 2017
Math: Please get your quiz/rewrite signed an returned
Reminder that students will be attending The 100 Years of Loss presentation on Wednesday, April 12. Students will be back for lunch but should bring a snack.