Ms. J. Underhill - Archived - 09/2016 Notes

Courses: English 9, English 112, History 112 and 113


Posted: March 29, 2016

Students worked on their Independent Hamlet projects today.

*Please remember that the Act 1, scenes 2 and 3 assignment was due today. If you have not emailed or passed your's in yet, please do so ASAP.

** Also, all questions for Act 1, scenes 1 and 2 were due today as well, please have these completed for tomorrow's class as we will be going over them at the beginning of class.

Posted: March 22, 2016

Due to a death in my family, I will not be in class Wednesday and Thursday but I have assigned the following work for the students to complete:

1. Finish good copies of Bio-poems for Ponyboy and yourself.

2. Work on newspaper articles - the drafts are due Wednesday, March 30. I explained all of this in class today so if you were not in class, check with your neighbor, I bet they will have some info for you ;)

I have uploaded the newspaper assignment below.

Microsoft Office document icon the_outsiders_-newspaper_article.doc74.5 KB

Posted: March 22, 2016

Due to a death in my family, I will not be at school on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. I have assigned the following work for you to do while I'm away:

1. Assignment for Act 1, scenes 2 and 3 - I assigned this today and went over it with the students. If you are unclear, please get one of your classmates to go over it with you.

* This assignmet will be handed in for marking, therefore, do your best work.

DUE DATE - Tuesday, March 29 - Tuesday after Easter Break. You can type it up and email it to me, if you wish.

2. Work on the questions for Act 1, scenes 1, 2 and 3 - but only the questions for Act 1, scenes 1 and 2 need to be finished for Tuesday, March 29 (Tuesday after Easter Break)

Please finish the drafts of your bio-poems for Monday.

PDF icon biography_poem.pdf260.97 KB

Posted: March 18, 2016

Please study your notes on the early events of World War 1. There will be a little quiz on Monday.

Posted: March 17, 2016

Please take some time tonight to read over the notes I gave today on the beginning events of World War 1. This may help you in case we do a little quiz (hint, hint).

Posted: March 17, 2016

Please finish journal #2 for tomorrow. I have uploaded the link below.

Microsoft Office document icon hamlet_-_journals.doc23 KB

Posted: March 16, 2016

The following information/handoouts was given today in class:

1. Hamlet Independent Assignment - I handed out and went through the independent assignment. This needs to be something all students are working on throughout the unit and must be completed on the students' own time. I have uploaded the requirements for the project below. The DUE DATE for this is April 27.

2. HOMEWORK - First 11 lines Activity - read through the first 11 lines - circle and unfamilar words or phrases and then re-write the lines in order to explain what is being said and what is ahppeneing.

3. HOMEWORK - Please complete the first jpurnal entry for tonight as well.

All of the above assignments have been uploaded below.


Students began their test on chapters 1-6 today. ALL of this work will be completed in class.

Posted: March 15, 2016

The assignment we have been working on for the past 2 weeks of school (week before March Break and this week) will be due at the end of class tomorrow. Please email any assignments to me that are already finished, I have already received quite a few of the projects, thank you.

Microsoft Office document icon canadas_identity_assignment.doc63 KB

Posted: March 14, 2016

Please read to the end of chapter 7 for tomorrow and complete the worksheet for chapter 7.

**We will also beginn a test of chapters 1-7 in tomorrow's class as well.

Due to the number of storm days this week and students leaving for an early start to March Break and/or being away for school activities, I have decided to begin the presentations Monday, March 14 - the first Monday back after March Break.

Posted: February 24, 2016

Please finish up the Cause and Effect worksheet for chapter 4 and the Allusion worksheet for chapter 5.

I have uploaded the worksheets below for anyone who might have missed class today.

Posted: February 24, 2016

Students started their final assignment for the chapter today. This project will be due in one week - March 2. All work will be completed here at school. I have uploaded the assignmet below.

Microsoft Office document icon canadas_identity_assignment.doc63 KB

Posted: February 24, 2016

Presentations will continue for tomorrow. Please come prepared with all of your materials.
