Posted: May 20, 2016
Students worked on their "The Chimney Sweeper" assignment.
Those not in class please have these finished for Monday. We will be discussing your reponses first thing Monday morning.
Posted: May 20, 2016
Students worked on their "The Chimney Sweeper" assignment.
Those not in class please have these finished for Monday. We will be discussing your reponses first thing Monday morning.
Posted: May 10, 2016
Remember, the test for this chapter is THURSDAY!!!
You should be studying every night.
Posted: May 9, 2016
REMINDER - Russian Revolution test is this week, Thursday, May 12.
Posted: May 9, 2016
We continued watching Hamlet today. We will finish this up tomorrow. Please remember that the remainder of the week will be dedicated to finishing up your Independent Projects.
* Many of you will not be in class for the rest of the week due to the Outdoor Pursuits trip and/or UNB tours and/or the Drama Festival, so be sure to work on your projects when you can.
** Those of you in class, please come prepared to work on your projects - this means bring all of your materials, including your laptops because the computer labs will not be avaiable.
Projects are due absolutely no later than MONDAY, MAY 16
Posted: May 4, 2016
We finished the chapter on the Russian Revolution today. Students worked on finishing the map questions on page 564, the section 3 questions on page 568 and the Chapter Review questions on page 570-571.
The date for the Russian Revolution test will be Thursday, May 12 - which means you have over a week to study for this test.
I handed out the test outline and have uploaded it to this page for anyone not in class today. I also uploaded the notes for the chapter as well.
Posted: May 3, 2016
We began the new (and final) unit for this year, Romeo and Juliet. Students looked at The Prologue, and for most students, it was their first piece of Shakespearean writing. We worked at translating this line by line into modern English and you all did a great job!
I then handed out the first assignment. This is on some of the historical family feuds. Students were broken up into groups and assigned roles and tasks to complete this project. We discussed a due date and because of the short week this week and the Drama Festival next week, we decided on Wednesday, May 18 to start the presentations. Each group will research the information on their assigned families and present/teach what they have learned to their peers.
ALL work will be completed here at school.
Posted: April 28, 2016
Please finish your final essay for The Outsiders for Monday. Most students finished this week in the lab (3 days given) but some didn't get them all done today.
PLEASE finish these over your extra long weekend because we are starting a new unit on Monday and we are moving right in to a new assignment.
Posted: April 28, 2016
We finished watching the end of Act 4 today. We then took notes on Act 5, scene 1 and listened to the audio of this scene as well.
On Monday we will do the notes on Act 5, scene 2.
We will finish the play on Wednesday.
**REMEMBER - you only have 3 classes next week and your Independent Hamlet Projects are due MONDAY, May 9!
Posted: April 25, 2016
We began the notes for Act 4 today and we will finish all of the notes tomorrow. We will then listen to Act 4 and watch the visual of the act.
Remember to keep in mind the change in the due date for the final project. We will finish the entire play by the end of next week.
Posted: April 25, 2016
Students are finishing up their final essays for the novel.
I have booked the computer lab for Wednesday and Thursday for typing purposes.
We will begin our next unit, Romeo and Juliet, on Monday.
Posted: April 21, 2016
Please finish your questions for Acts 2 and 3 for Monday.
Posted: April 21, 2016
All students began an essay assignment today for our end of unit project. I have posted the assignment below.
**We are doing all work in class and looking at finishing them up by Thursday of next week.
** I have attached a copy of the assignment below.
Posted: April 21, 2016
VERY IMPORTANT - we have made a change in the due date for these projects. The due date will now be Monday, May 9. However, tomorrow's class will be last class day I will be able to give to work on these. All work after tomorrow will be done on your own time so manage your time wisely.
** The next two weeks of school are short weeks so my classroom is open every day at noon for you to come in and work on these very detailed projects. You may also make arrangements with me for time after school, as well.
** Please take advantage of this as I know how busy you all are with all the other things in your lives.
Posted: April 19, 2016
We finished all the notes for Act 3 today. If you missed class, be sure to get the notes from one of your classmates or you can always borrow my play.
We also began listening to Act 3 and we finished at the end of scene 1. We will listen to the remaining scenes tomorrow and then we will watch all of Act 3 (to give you the visual of this important act).
Posted: April 15, 2016
Students worked on their projects today. You should all be working on these on your own time as well (due to the huge amount of work this project requires).
* I will try to give you next Friday's class to work on these again.
**Remember, these projects are due Thursday, April 28.