Ms. J. Underhill - Archived - 09/2016 Notes

Courses: English 9, English 112, History 112 and 113


Posted: September 9, 2016

Students finished up the reading comprehension part of the mock assessment today. We then discussed the 5 paragraph format for the writing section of the mock assessment. I have uploaded the hand out below.

All students had time to begin the writing part but all work will be completed in class, therefore, there is no homework.

Posted: September 8, 2016

Students began the first chapter of the course today. I have listed the work for the first ection below:

1. Read through Turning Point on page 542

2. Copy the chart "Views of Astronomy" on page 542

3. Page 538 - complete the Content Vocabulary

4. Page 538 - complete the Academic Vocabulary

5. Complete the People and Places - for each person listed, make points on where they are from, what they did (profession) and their contribution to the Scientific Revolution

ALL of the above work will be continued in tomorrow's class. NO HOMEWORK for tonight (but don't forget to study your maps)

REMINDER - Test on the map of Canada and Europe will be Monday.

Posted: September 8, 2016

Students were given their first assignment today. They completed a reading comrehension assessment. All work was completed in class so there is no homework.

Students will begin a written assessment tomorrow.

Posted: September 8, 2016

Students recieved their terms for the short story unit. We read the terms together and all agreed that they are review from grade 10. So, students will have a test on these terms Tuesday, September 13.

Students then began reading their first story today, Twins, please finish the story tonight if you did not finish it in class. Then please complete the vocabulary part of the assignment. We will go over these in class tomorrow.

Microsoft Office document icon twins_student_work.doc26 KB

Posted: September 7, 2016

Students were given the course outline today. We discussed it as a class and talked about what we all need to do to be successful this year. Then everyone began their first journal topic. 

I have attached the topic below for those who nee to finish it up for homework.

Journal Topic #1

What makes you nervous about high school? What are some things about high school you are looking forward to?

* Think about what makes you nervous or anxious about this school year: exams, homework, social times, activities...

* What are some things you will try to do differently in order to overcome these anxieties?

* What are some things you think you will enjoy about high school?

You must write at least 1/2 page on all of the items discussed above.

Remember - good thoughts and good writing!!!

HOMEWORK - please bring your materials and your novel to class.

                    - finish up your first journal

USB Thumbdrive


LOTS of loose leaf

Colored pencils

Duo tang (journal)

Thesaurus (ONLY- we have lots of dictionaries)


Pens - blue or black

Posted: June 7, 2016

Students are working on exam preparations for the remainder of the week. If there are any concerns or questions, please come see me.

Students were given a quote sheet from Romeo and Juliet - this is something they need to study for the exam. They are well aware of its importance :)

ENGLISH 9 EXAM - Tuesday, June 14  - exam start time @ 8:35

File exam_quote_prep_june_2016.docx12.35 KB

Posted: June 7, 2016

Students are working on exam preparations for the remainder of the week. If there are any concerns or questions, please come see me.

ENGLISH 112 EXAM - Monday, June 13 @ 8:35 in Mrs. J. Underhill's classroom

Posted: June 2, 2016

We began the new assignment yesterday. Students started watching the film, "Defiance". We began with a little background info on this true story film. ai habded out the assignment we will be doing after th movie is over as well.

The assignment due date is Tuesday, June 7.

Microsoft Office document icon defiance_-_intro_notes.doc403.5 KB
Microsoft Office document icon defiance_assignment.doc23.5 KB

Posted: May 31, 2016

REMINDER - All Schindler's List assignments must be passed in by the beginning of class tomorrow. You may email them to me or bring a printed copy at the start of class.

Posted: May 30, 2016

Students went to the computer lab today to work on their Schindler's List projects. These must be finished by the beginning of class on WEDNESDAY.

Tomorrow will be the last day in the lab - we will start a new section on Wednesday.

Posted: May 30, 2016

We finished our work with Blake today and tomorrow we will begin our study of Coleridge.

Posted: May 26, 2016

Students are working on Blake's poems, "The Tiger" and "The Lamb". We discussed some "hints" today and the questions for the poems have to be finished for Monday.

I have uploaded Blake's engravings which go along with the poems to help you with some of the questions and to get your mind going :)

We will go through each poem on Monday.

Posted: May 20, 2016

We read through some important on William Shakespeare and the significance of Act 1 Scene yesterday. I have uploaded the information for those of you not in class. Please read through these over the weekend, if you have a chance. We began reading Romeo and Juliet today. I have also uploaded the version of the play we will be reading. Please focus on the modern text as this is the part we are reading aloud in class.

Posted: May 20, 2016

We began watching Schindler's List yesterday. It is really important that all of you attend class the next 14 days as we will be viewing some important movies and documentaries and there are assignments that follow each viewing.
