Mrs. J. Underhill - Archived 08/20 Notes

English 9, English 112, History 112/113


Posted: October 23, 2017

Please read the author information on Nathaniel Hawthorne and his shrot story "The Ambitious Guest" for tomorrow's class. There will be a reading quiz on the story tomorrow.

Posted: October 19, 2017

Only a few students did not finish their autobiographies today. So I gave the option to come to my room at lunch and finish them up OR they had to take the work home and finish it at home. I will be picking up these assignments at the beginning of class tomorrow. If you missed today, you will have to come to my room tomorrow at lunch to get your autobiogrphy finished up.

Posted: October 17, 2017

Our next book talk will be Tuesday, October 31. Please prepare yourself using the same outline as our first book talk. Remeber, TREATS are encouraged :)

Posted: October 17, 2017


Students have been working very hard on their autobiographies. Many are now working on typing up their good copies. However, some students need a USB. I recommend the students save their work on the USB and not on the NBED server as we may, from time to time, run into technical problem with the server which we can not control. So, if the students all have their own USB, they can save their work there. It is more reliable and a good practice to get into in high school


I have extended the due date for the autobiography as some of you need a bit more time. The new due date will be THURSDAY, October 19. Please have your autobiography typed completely and ready to print off on this day. We will then be doing some work with the title page of your autobiography and then you will pass it in for me to mark.

Great job! Keep up the good work! :)

We read through section 3 of chapter 18 today on Napoleon. Students then received an open book assignment for these readings. I have uploaded the assignment below. This must be handed in by the end of class tomorrow.

Microsoft Office document icon chapter_18_homework_3.doc28.5 KB

Posted: October 16, 2017

Students received their "Take Your Kid to Work" forms last Wednesday. This national event takes place Wednesday, November 1. Please return these completed forms to me by Wednesday morning.

Posted: October 12, 2017

Reminder -French Revolution Test is tomorrow.

Posted: October 10, 2017

French Revolution test - FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13.

Outlines were handed out last Friday.

Posted: October 10, 2017

Students have been working very hard on their autobiographies. In class today, we discussed the due datre for this project. We all decided on Tuesday, Octover 17 - one week from today. Student will continue to work on the writing process for this assignment for the rest of the week.

I explained to the students the importance of committing to the assignment due dates in high school as every day they are late passing in their work, they will lose 20%. So we talked about ways to get their work in to their teachers on time - email, USB, in perso, but they also need to allow time for and inform the teachers if they need their items printed off.

For me, the students now know that I need their items in homeroom on the day their work is due, so I can get them printed off before class time.

Students also be reading from their independent novels. At least 20 minutes 3 times a week. Our next Book Talk will be October 31.

Posted: October 3, 2017

Read through the notes on the French Revolution.

Posted: October 3, 2017

HOMEWORK - read Roald Dahl's "Lamb to the Slaughter"

For those not in class, e also watched a documentary on Dahl's life. please follow the link on my teacher page to watch the vidoe.

PDF icon lamb_to_the_slaughter_story.pdf24.94 KB

Posted: October 2, 2017

Reminder - your Shirley Jackson creative assignments are due tomorrow at the beginning of class.

Posted: October 2, 2017

For those students not in class on Friday, you nned to read section 1 of chapter 18 for tomorrow. Those of you in class today, please read through the dictated notes I gave today on the French Revolution.

Posted: September 28, 2017

We began chapter 18 "The French Revolution" today.

HOMEWORK - Please read pages 576-583 for tomorrow and complete the Content Vocabulary on page 576. (Most students should have this finished as they had 55 minutes to work on it today.)

Posted: September 28, 2017

We all learned some valuable information on the Canadian residenial school program today. I have uploaded some of the videos we watched. PLease take a look at the before tomorrow. We also learned about the orange shirt initiative. I have also included the video explaining this as well.


1. Students then recieved our new Book Club novel, If I Ever Get Out of Here. PLease read the attached book teaser so you have a general idea what the book is about.

Please read chapters 1-4 by next Friday in order to be ready for our Book Talk.

2. Also, please wear your orange shirts tomorrow.

 3. Watch all videos in the posts on my teacher page.*All of the videos are posted in separate links on my teacher page.

4. Watch attached powerpoint presentation on the residential schools. Please read through these slides as well.

