Mrs. J. Underhill - Archived 08/20 Notes

English 9, English 112, History 112/113


All grade 9 students across the province will be completing the NB Literary Assessment during the week of the high school exams. The English 9 students will not be writing an exam for English 9 BUT they will be completing the assessment.

We began the intense preparation for this assessment today and we will continue this work for the next 2 weeks. 

Posted: December 15, 2017

Quiz on Of Mice and Men chapters 1-4 will be MONDAY. Study your vocabulary for chapters 1-4 and make sure you understand the characters, plot, setting and themes in the nocel thus far.

** We finished the book today, so if you were missing please be sure to finish reading chapters 5 and 6 this weekend.

Posted: December 15, 2017

PLease finish your comic strip for "Lamb to the Slaughter" for HOMEWORK - pass it in at the beginning of class on Monday.

Please finish the vocabulary for chapters 3 and 4 for Of MIce and Men

All comic strips must be finished by the end of class of Friday. We will be starting some Christmas activities on Monday of next week.

All drafts of the comic strip assignment for "Lamb to the Slaughter" must be finished for tomorrow. I will be checking this homework at the beginning of class tomorrow.

Posted: December 11, 2017

All research papers on Rasputin are due by the end of class on Wednesday. Students were ebcouraged to take their essays home tonight to work on them to be sure to have them finished by Wednesday.

Posted: December 11, 2017

All bunk house assignments are due on Wednesday at the beginning of class. All students were encouraged to take their pictures home tonihgt to work on them so they will be sure to be finished by Wednesday.

Posted: December 7, 2017

The deadline #2 for the research paper has been extended to the end of class on Monday. By the time class is finished, students should have their drafts completed. I will be doing teacher conferences with each student on Tuesday - only by requests from students - if you would like me to look at it.

Remember, you will be getting your marks for each deadline met. Keep focused and on task :) 

Posted: December 6, 2017

Due date for the Rasputin research paper will be Wednesday, December 13.

Posted: December 6, 2017

Students began working on the bunk house assignment today for our class novel, .

REMINDER: test on the short story unit will be tomorrow. IF students finish this, they can work on their bunk house assignments tomorrow as well. Friday, however, students are invited to pay $1 for the basketball game Friday afternoon. They should bring this to me tomorrow so I can pass it into the office before Friday.

Posted: December 5, 2017

Students continued working on their research paper. Deadline #1 ended today at the end of class - all research should be completed so each student can start their drafts tomorrow.

Posted: December 5, 2017

We corrected the questions and vocabulary for chapters 1 and 2. We then listened to chapter 3.

Posted: December 5, 2017

Students listened to "Lamb to the Slaughter" read aloud. PLease follow the link below to listen at home if you were not in school today.

Students then watched an animation of the story to get ideas for their own comic strips of the story.

Again, please follow the link below to see the animation.

Student then continued working on their comprehension questions and when they finished, they began working on the comic strip assignment. We will conitnue this work in tomorrow's class.

Posted: December 4, 2017

I have uploaded the work that was handed out today. For those not in class, please be sure to have the story read for tomorrow so you do not get too far behind.
