Posted: October 10, 2017
Students have been working very hard on their autobiographies. In class today, we discussed the due datre for this project. We all decided on Tuesday, Octover 17 - one week from today. Student will continue to work on the writing process for this assignment for the rest of the week.
I explained to the students the importance of committing to the assignment due dates in high school as every day they are late passing in their work, they will lose 20%. So we talked about ways to get their work in to their teachers on time - email, USB, in perso, but they also need to allow time for and inform the teachers if they need their items printed off.
For me, the students now know that I need their items in homeroom on the day their work is due, so I can get them printed off before class time.
Students also be reading from their independent novels. At least 20 minutes 3 times a week. Our next Book Talk will be October 31.