Mrs. J. Underhill - Archived 08/20

English 9, English 112, History 112/113

I hope you are all doing well and enjoying some long awaited sunshine Nd your two household bubbles! Both very exciting news!!!

You will complete one reading from Common Lit this week. These will go along with the atoimic bomb drop on Hiroshima in 1945. You will also watch a video showing the devastation the bomb caused for the residents of Japan in 1945. 

If you are behind on some of your readings, please try to get caught up this week. As always, if you have any questions, plesae contact me through email and I will get back to you.

Take care and be safe,

Mrs. J. xo

Posted: May 19, 2020

English 112 - intro to William Blake VIDEO

Posted: May 19, 2020

English 112 - Intro to Romantic Poets VIDEO

I hope you are all doing well and enjoying some long awaited sunshine and warmer days. But, I also hope you are enjoying your new two household bubble!

Thank you for completing your Cell Phone Character assignments. I loved reading them. Please continue to read from your chosen novels. You all know how important it is to keep up with your reading. It really pays off and helps your brains immensely!

So, if we were in school, we would be starting the unit called "The Romantic POets". Now, this is a challenging unit during normal school circumstances so it will be even more so for you as you are learning from home. But, please, try to work through the material as best as you can and I am always here to help you in any way.

I will start slow this week, giving you an introduction and a little video of the Romantic Movement. This will give you a look at what it means by "romantic poetry".

You will then watch a little video of  your first poet, William Blake. I always start with Blake because he is my favourite Romantic poet and I think you will like his outspoken poems. Watch the intro video and then work your way through two of the poems I have attached below.

Here is what you will need to do this week:

1. Watch introduction to Romantic Era video.

2. Go through the INtro to Romantic Poets powerpoint.

3. Watch introduction to William Blake.

4. Work through the two Blake poems, "The Lamb" and "The Tiger" and email/share your answers to/with me.

If you have any quesitons or concerns, just let me know.

Take care and be safe and I miss your sweet faces :)

Mrs. J. xo

Posted: May 19, 2020

English 9 - The Outsiders chapter 9

Listen carefully to chapter 9.

Posted: May 19, 2020

English 9 - The Outsiders chapter 8

Listen carefully to chapter 8

Posted: May 19, 2020

English 9 - The Outsiders chapter 7

Listen carefully to chapter 7.

I hope you are all doing well and enjoying some long awaited sunshine and warmer days. But, I also hope you are enjoying your new two household bubble!

You are all doing so well with the audiobook work for The Outsiders. I am so glad we are able to "read" this book "together" even if it is in a very different way.

So this week you will be reading chapters 7 - 9 and then completing a common Lit treading that goes along with the chapters and  little quiz for the poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay" by Robert Frost that Ponyboy reads to Johnny when they are hiding. The assignment for the poem is attached below. Please complete it and email your answers to me. You will notice that the answer KEY is also in the attachment. Use this to check your answers but please choose your own unique answers in your own assignment.

* Do not forget to do the Common Lit reading as well. Read carefully and respond to all of the questions.

Again, if you have any questions, please let me know.

Take care and be safe.

Mrs. J. xo

I hope you are all doing well and still listening to the government guidelines as we are not out of the woods yet.

I have assigned 2 readings from Common Lit for you to complete this week. These will go along with some Holocaust work you will complete in the next couple of weeks. 

If you are behind on some of your readings, please try to get caught up this week. As always, if you have any questions, plese contact me through email and I will get back to you.

Take care and be safe,

Mrs. J. xo

I hope you are all doing well and I miss you more every day! Please enjoy the lifted restrictions the government has given us but do so responsibly - we are not in the clear yet.

Okay, so some things you need to do this week:

1. Send me your Cell Phone Assignments for your chosen characters - these are due Friday, May 15. GO back in my posts if you do not remember what this is and find the details there. Any questions, let me know.

2. Last week you completed some viewings of Hamlet and did a final test for the play. These are the people who sent these to me so far:

Macaully, Landon, Cassidy, Arianna, Asia, Emma, Andrea, Reese, Anna, Kiara

IF your name is ot here and you sent it, please re-send it. IF it is not here because you did not finish it yet, please do so ASAP.

3. Complete the 2 Common Lit readings for this week. These readings go along with the Hamlet assignment from last week. Please pay attention to the connections with the plot and characters from the play when you are doing the assignment. DUE DATE for this will be next Monday, May 18.

Take care and be safe,

Mrs. J. xo


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