Mrs. O'Keefe - Archived 09/23 Notes

1 <3 (Science & Math)


Posted: November 12, 2021

Science 9- Nov. 12 Today I attached a video of me explaining MITOSIS (it is a you tube video that I uploaded). Watch the video then complete the assignment. Place the solutions in you notes and I will collect them when we return. Make sure to put a thumbs up on this message so that I can count that as you attendance.

 Video 1 Science 9 Mitosis & Cell Division explained by M O'Keefe - YouTube

(Below is the PDF file of the worksheet just write a to i on paper don't have to draw he pictures. Then complete 2-8 on paper)


Math 7 - (Smae as Nov. 10) You are working on a worksheet that looks like the test you will have when you return(attached below as a pdf file). You need to finish it today, Friday Nov. 12. (Send me a thumbs up on teams to show you are working each day for your attendance) No meeting today. If you have this sheet all done, then you are done for the day.

Math 8- Notes and video attached on fraction times a whole number (how to model). Watch the video and complete the questions. You have to finish what I assigned on Wednesday, I attached it below just in case you can’t find it. Send a thumbs up to this message if you are working on this and that will count as your attendance. No meeting today. (If you already completed everything below then you have a free day)
Nov 10 Math 8 Review of fraction time a whole number modelled - YouTube

Homework - Page 108 #6, #7, #8a, #9(a,b), #10(a,b), #11(a,b,c) , #14(a,c), #15(a,c), #16(a,c,f), #17 
Science 6- Make sure to have the notes copied from Monday, Nov. 8

Posted: November 9, 2021

Homeroom- Send a message to each teacher to ensure you are doing your home learning. 

Science 9-  Finish Allen Legere questions at the bottom of the notes page from Monday. Have these ready to turn in when you return. These questions are also on the test & exam.  Send me a thumbs up on teams each day to count as your attendance.

Math 8- Notes and video attacjed on fraction times a whome number (how to model). Watch the video and complet the questions. You have today and Friday to get this done. Nov 10 Math 8 Review of fraction time a whole number modelled - YouTube

Homework - Page 108  #6, #7, #8a, #9(a,b), #10(a,b), #11(a,b,c) , #14(a,c), #15(a,c), #16(a,c,f), #17 

(Model for #1 to 14 buyt  if you see the pattern for the rule you can use that, if not contine to model)

Math 7- You are workong on a worksheet that looks like the test you will have when you return. You have Wednsday Nov. 10 and Friday Nov. 12 to get this done.(Send me a thmbs up on teams to show you are working each day for your attendance)

Science 6- If you want watch BBC - Life In Cold Blood | The Cold Blooded Truth - YouTube   (47 minutes)

Posted: November 9, 2021

Homeroom-  Check intro teams and write in a chat to each of your teachers what you are doing for home learning. This is how your attendace will be counted. If I don't receive a chat then I cannot mark you present.

Science 9  - Nov 8 & 9- Attached on NOV 8 are th notes on DNA, Hormones and genes. copy out the notes and send a message in chat to me stating you have this done. (Send a message  not a thumbs up this week for attendance each day).

 Math 7- See the youtube video link attached below (it is me teaching it) on solving equations with algebra tiles again. (all notes, book pages and questions are below as pdf)

Nov 9 Grade 7 Math Review of solving equations with algebra tiles day 2 - YouTube

Homework: Page 41  #4, #6, #7, #8  (attached on the final page of the PDF file below

 Math 8- See the youtube video link below aof me teaching/reviewing how find fractions of a whole number mentally.  (all notes, book pages and questions are below as pdf) 

Nov 9 Math 8 Review of fraction of a number - YouTube

    Homework :Power Builder A worksheet Complete the first half of the sheet

Science 6 (See Nov 8 post)

Posted: November 7, 2021

Homeroom-  Check intro teams and write in a chat to each of your teachers what you are doing for home learning. This is how your attendace will be counted. If I don't receive a chat then I cannpt mark you present.


Science 9 - Nov 8 & 9- Attached below are th notes on DNA, Hormones and genes. copy out the notes and send a message in chat to me stating you have this done. (Al message  not a thumbs up this week for attendance each day).


Math 7- See the youtube video link attached below (it is me teaching it) on solving equations with algebra tiles. (all notes, book pages and questions are below as pdf)

Nov 8 Grade 7 Math Review of solving equations with algebra tiles - YouTube

      homework: Page 41  #1cf, 2, 3  (attached on the final page of the PDF file below


Math 8- See the youtube video link below aof me teaching/reviewing how to add & subtract mixed fractions.  (all notes, book pages and questions are below as pdf)

Nov 8 Math 8 Review of Adding Subtracting mixed fractions - YouTube  (Method 1 always work)

Nov 8 Math 8 Review of Adding Subtracting mixed fractions Method 2 - YouTube  (Method 2 may need to regroup)

    Homework : Complete the worksheet in the lesson 


Science 6 - Nov 8, 9, 10 Copy ALL the notes ou on Vetebrates, cold & warm booded and Habitat (See them atached below as the pdf file) You can see titles of youtube videos in the lesson and you can ook these up on Friday and watch them. This is your work for the week.

Posted: November 3, 2021

Homeroom- Check in on teams with your class teachers today. Send them a little message  

Science 9-  For today NOV. 4 & 5 copy out the notes (Posted below as PDF file in teams and below here)  (either print them or write them down). This is the notes for the next 2 days. Remember to post a thumbs up if you ae doing this on teams. Look at the webpage each day.  

Asexual Reproduction-Fission-Budding-Fragmentation-Spores - YouTube

Asexual and Sexual Reproduction - YouTube


Math 7 & 8 - TODAY Nov. 4 & 5, work on your math home learning duotangs that were made up at the beginning of the year. If you misplaced yours, I have attached a copy of it on friday Oct. 29 as a PDF file (Look there).  You are expected to do 2 pages TODAY (Nov. 4) so and 2 pages NOV 5. As of TOMORROW nov 5 you should have 11 pages done. I will be collecting the duo-tang when you return. If you have questions you can email me   or post them in the chat in teams (Some vidoes may help. Do work without a calcualtor, show regrouping)

Topic 6.4: Multiplying a Decimal By A Whole Number - YouTube

How to Divide a Decimal by a Whole Number | Math with Mr. J - YouTube




Posted: November 2, 2021

Homeroom- Check in on teams with your class teachers today. Send them a little message  

Science 9-  For today NOV. 2 &3 copy out the notes (Posted below as PDF file in teams and below here)  (either print them or write them down). This is the notes for the next 2 days. I will be online tomorrow if you have any questions. Look at the webpage each day.  I also have a link to a video on mitosis that yoyu can watch.  


Cell Biology | Cell Cycle: Interphase & Mitosis - YouTube (This video is in a lot of detail) But you just need to know our diagram in the notes


Math 7 & 8 - TODAY Nov. 2 & 3, work on your math home learning duotangs that were made up at the beginning of the year. If you misplaced yours, I have attached a copy of it on friday Oct. 29 as a PDF file (Look there).  You are expected to do 3 pages TODAY (Nov. 2) so and 1 page NOV 3 Catch up day. As of TOMORROW nov 3 you should have 7 pages done. I will be collecting the duo-tang when you return. If you have questions you can email me   or post them in the chat in teams 

Place value with decimals - YouTube

Multiplication With Regrouping - YouTube


Science 6-  Nov 2- Nov 5 First watch the you tube video Science Rendezvous - Lesson 1 - Invertebrates - YouTube (on invertebrates at Toronto ZOO)

Then watch some of this each day until we get back World's Biggest and Baddest Bugs! | Free Documentary Nature - YouTube. It is over an hour but don't have to do it all in one day.

If you want to You can work on your science projects that you were doing in groups at home. If you cannot get together with your group try doing it on your own and discuss it with your group over the phone or when we get back. (Follow the scientific method)


Posted: November 1, 2021

Homeroom- Check in on teams with your class teachers today. Send them a little message  

Science 9-  For today NOV. 1 study your cell diagrams and cell parts definitions. You will have a quiz on labelling the Cell diagram the first day back. The cell definitions will be 2 days after that. Starting (Tomorrow ) TUESDAY I will post daily  notes and you are expected to copy them out (either print them or write them down). Look at the webpage each day.


Math 7 & 8 - Starting TODAY Nov. 1, work on your math home learning duotangs that were made up at the beginning of the year. If you misplaced yours, I have attached a copy of it on friday Oct. 29 as a PDF file (Look there).  If the school is closed down longer than 3 days then on THURSDAY Nov. 3 I will be posting daily videos of the math lessons.  I will be assigning textbook questions and will have a link to the online textbook there for you to follow.  CHECK the teacher page daily. (Log in to teams and send a daily message that you are working). I will be collecting all work when you return and if it is not completed then your marks will reflect that.  If you have questions you can email me   or post them in the chat in teams (Easier of the 2).


Science 6-  First watch the you tube video (on invertebrates)

Bill Nye the Science Guy S04E15 Invertebrates - YouTube  (

If you want to You can work on your science projects that you were doing in groups at home. If you cannot get together with your group try doing it on your own and discuss it with your group over the phone or when we get back. (Follow the scientific method)

Posted: October 29, 2021

Homeroom- Today is an operational day and it is the only day that students will be allowed in the building for matherials such as coats, boots, glasses and books.  

Science 9-  For now study your cell diagrams and cell parts definitions. You will have a quiz on labelling the Cell diagram the first day back. The cell definitions will be 2 days after that. Starting TUESDAY I will post daily  notes and you are expected to copy them out (either print them or write them down). Look at the webpage each day.


Math 7 & 8 - Starting Monday, work on your home learning duotangs that were made up at the beginning of the year. If you misplaced yours, I have attached a copy of it below as a PDF file.  If the school is closed down longer than 3 days then on THURSDAY Nov. 3 I will be posting daily videos of the math lessons.  I will be assigning textbook questions and will have a link to the online textbook there for you to follow.  CHECK the teacher page daily.


Science 6-  You can work on your science projects that you were doing in groups at home. If yuo cannot get together with your group try doing it on your own and discuss it with your group over the phone or when we get back. (Follow the scientific method)

Posted: October 28, 2021

Homeroom 8 - Return Co-Curricular form (3 Students) 

                       Those that want to stay after school for EXTRA-curricular please bring a picture of PROOF of VACCINATION

Science 9 -Notes on Cilia & Flagellum then we completed the case study on spontaneous generations. Students were given 10 miuntes to study in class today( See posted PDF file below for a copy of the notes)

        Homework:   Quiz Friday on the Cell Diagrams

                              Quiz Tuesday Nov,. 2  on definiton of cell parts

                            Start stuyding for 10-15 minutues each night

Math 7 -Started representing equtions and solving equations with tiles .( See a copy of today's lesson as PDF below) 

        Homework:  Page 41 #1ab, de  (Show all work)

  Math 8- Notes & Examples on REVIEW on Add subtract Fractions (See attached PDF file for a copy of the notes) 

         Homework:   Worksheet attached below #1abc, #2adf, #3abcd, #4

Science 6 –  See notes attached below on invertebrate classifications last 3 of the 5 invertebrates

         Homework:  Study notes 10-15 minutes each night

                              Students should work on your projects at home

Posted: October 27, 2021

Homeroom 8 - Return Co-Curricular form (3 Students) 

                       Those that want to stay after school for EXTRA-curricular please bring a picture of PROOF of VACCINATION

Science 9 - Continued with the definitions of parts of the cells. Students were given 40 miuntes to study in class today( See posted PDF file below for a copy of the notes)

        Homework:   Quiz Friday on the Cell Diagrams

                              Quiz Tuesday Nov,. 2  on definiton of cell parts

                            Start stuyding for 10-15 minutues each night

Math 7 -Given a word problem complete the equation .( See a copy of today's lesson as PDF below) 


  Math 8- Notes & Examples on REVIEW on mixed & Improper fractions (See attached PDF file for a copy of the notes) 

         Homework:   Worksheet attached below #1abcd, #2abcd, #3abcd, #4, #6ab

Science 6 –  See notes attached below on charts of animals classifications and 2 of the 5 invertebrates

         Homework:  Study notes 10-15 minutes each night

                              Students should work on your projects at home

Posted: October 26, 2021

Homeroom 8 - Return Co-Curricular form (3 Students) 

                       Those that want to stay after school for EXTRA-curricular please bring a picture of PROOF of VACCINATION

Science 9 - Diagram of the plant cell & animal cell with definitions of parts of the cells.( See posted PDF file below for a copy of the notes)

        Homework:   Quiz Friday on the Cell Diagrams

                              Quiz Tuesday Nov,. 2  on definiton of cell parts

                            Start stuyding for 10-15 minutues each night

Math 7 -Given a word problem complete the equation .( See a copy of today's lesson as PDF below) 

        Homework:  Page 36  #1,2,3,4,6,7

  Math 8- Notes & Examples on REVIEW of equivalent fractions (See attached PDF file for a copy of the notes) 

         Homework:   Worksheet attached below

Science 6 –  See notes attached below on charts of animals & plants

         Homework: Students should work on your projects at home

Posted: October 25, 2021

Homeroom 8 - Return Co-Curricular form (3 Students) 

                       Those that want to stay after school for EXTRA-curricular please bring a picture of PROOF of VACCINATION

Science 9 - Started Unit 2 Reproduction today.( Notes on the class theory is posted below as a PDF file)

        Homework: Start stuyding for 10-15 minutues each night

Math 7 -Given a word problem complete the charts then graphing them (day 2) .( See a copy of today's lesson as PDF below) 

        Homework:  Page 33 2abc, 3ab, 4abc

  Math 8- Survey in the BBT lab (See attached PDF file for a copy of the notes) 

         Homework:   None 

Science 6 –  Notes on Phylum, Class,, Order, Family, Genus, Species 

         Homework: Students should work on your projects at home

Posted: October 22, 2021

Homeroom 8 - Return Co-Curricular form (3 Students) 

                       Those that want to stay after school for EXTRA-curricular please bring a picture of PROOF of VACCINATION

Science 9 - Hidden figures

        Homework: None

Math 7 - Input/output  charts then graphing them (day 2) .( See a copy of today's lesson as PDF below) 

        Homework:  Page 33 2abc, 3ab, 4abc

  Math 8- Test Day(See attached PDF file for a copy of the notes) We will work on this again tomorrow.

         Homework:   None 

Science 6 –  Door decorating so no class

         Homework: Start wfying thingsorking on your projects at home

Posted: October 21, 2021

Homeroom 8 - Return Co-Curricular form (3 Students) 

                       Those that want to stay after school for EXTRA-curricular please bring a picture of PROOF of VACCINATION

Science 9 - Test today

        Homework: None

Math 7 - Input/output  charts then graphing them .( See a copy of today's lesson as PDF below) 

        Homework:  Page 33 #1abc


 Math 8- Lesson on rotation isometric views day 2(See attached PDF file for a copy of the notes) We will work on this again tomorrow.

         Homework:   Test Friday, Oct. 22  (Working in class on 3d shapes with blocks) 

Science 6 –  Notes on Biologist classifying things

         Homework: Start working on your projects at home

Posted: October 20, 2021

Homeroom 8 - Return Co-Curricular form (3 Students) 

                       Those that want to stay after school for EXTRA-curricular please bring a picture of PROOF of VACCINATION

Science 9 - Students studied for the entire class for the space test that is tomorrow. We reviewed the big bang theory and the reasons for our seasons. 

        Homework:  Study note 10-15 minutes each night.  

                          Test will be in October 21

Math 7 - Quiz Day but before the quiz I went over questions similar to the quiz. Then after the quiz students worked on the mid unit review.( See a copy of today's lesson as PDF below) 

        Homework:  Page 29 #4, 5abcd (part i) #6ab


 Math 8- Lesson on rotation isometric views day 1(See attached PDF file for a copy of the notes) We will work on this again tomorrow.

         Homework:   Test Friday, Oct. 22  (Working in class on 3d shapes with blocks) 

Science 6 –  OUTSIDE class on variety of life . 
