Mrs. O'Keefe - Archived 09/23 Notes

1 <3 (Science & Math)


Posted: September 27, 2021

Homeroom 8 - Return  Co-Curricular form

Science 9 - Notes on Asteroids, Meteors, Meteorites..(See attached PDF file for the notes )

        Homework:  Study note 10-15 minutes each night. QUIZ Thursday on Order of planets, one fact from notes on each planet and the year and names of the 2 shuttle disasteras discussed in class.

                              Test will be in October (date to be announced)

Math 7 -  We went over review notes & Examples for the test. Students were then given the remained of the clas to work on an assignment that looks very similar to the test.

        Homework: Finish  Test review worksheet (All solutions will be posted tonight so they can check their work) THIS looks similar tot the test

                                         TEST Sept 28 (TUESDAY)

 Math 8 Students were given more examples of order of operations with integers..(See attached PDF for a copy of the notes) We worked on  #9(a, tiles),  #11a, #13a, #16, #20, #21, #22, #23

         Homework:    MOVED Test to  SEPT 29 (WEDNESDAY)

Science 6 - Given 3 experiments "Simpson" they identified the independent, dependent and hypothesis or conclusion

Posted: September 24, 2021

Homeroom 8 - Return  Co-Curricular form

Science 9 - Video on the space shuttle Columbia..(See attached PDF file for the notes )

        Homework:  Study note 10-15 minutes each night.

                              Test will be in October (date to be announced)

Math 7 -  Students continued to worked on the questions pg. 79-80  #7a(i, ii) 8 use tiles, 9a(Numberline) 10, 12(rules) #13(rules) (See attached PDF for the notes and  examples done in class 7ab, 8  9  Page 81 #1, 2(rlues), 5

        Homework: Finish   Finish pg. 79-80  #7a(i, ii) 8 use tiles, 9a(Numberline) 10, 12(rules) #13(rules)

                                         TEST Sept 28 (TUESDAY)

 Math 8 Students were given more examples of order of operations with integers..(See attached PDF for a copy of the notes) We worked on  pg 92 #7, 8 , 9, 10, 11, 12,     and   Pg 97#2(a,b...MODEL), #3, #4(just the sign),      #5(a,c, work for c,d using distributive property),      #6(a,b,c,d), #7, 8

         Homework:    Finish Page 92  # 7, # 8, #9 Test SEPT 28

Science 6 - Looked at the scientific method in MYTH Busters JR

Posted: September 23, 2021

Homeroom 8 - Return  Co-Curricular form

Science 9 - Today we looked at the science experiments on the international space station (videos on NASA channel) Then we did notes on the 2 disasters "The Challenger &The Columbia" space shuttles..(See attached PDF file for the notes )

        Homework:  Study note 10-15 minutes each night.

                              Test will be in October (date to be announced)

Math 7 -  Quiz on subtraction thenToday we reviewed for the test that is TUESDAY.  We worked on the questions below (See attached PDF for the notes and  examples done in class)Finish   pg. 79  #1ac, 2, 3, 4,  6, 7ab, 8

        Homework: Finish   pg. 79  #1ac, 2, 3, 4, 

                                         TEST Sept 28 (TUESDAY)

 Math 8 Students were given more examples of order of operations with integers  and a warm up quiz on all 4 rules.(See attached PDF for a copy of the notes) We worked on  pg 92 #7, 8 , 9, 10, 11, 12,     and will look at more of this tomorrow 

         Homework:      Test SEPT 28

Science 6 - Looked at th the scientific method steps for the experiment at the BBT lab

Posted: September 22, 2021

Homeroom 8 - Return  Co-Curricular form

Science 9 - Students finished watching last moon landings (Eugene Cernan) Then we did notes on the international space station..(See attached PDF file for the notes )

        Homework:  Study note 10-15 minutes each night.

Math 7 -  Today we reviewed Modelling integer subtraction with tiles and the rule of "add the opposite"  (See attached PDF for the notes and  examples done in class)

        Homework: Finish   pg. 73 #3, 4, 5, 8ab, 11ab, 12abcd

                                         TEST Sept 28 (TUESDAY)

 Math 8 Students were given examples of order of operations with integers (See attached PDF for a copy of the notes)

         Homework: Finish   pg 92 #3    (QUIZ tomorrow on +,-,x ÷)

                                                  Test SEPT 28

Science 6 - Looked at th apple oxidation video and wrote out the scientific method steps for the experiment

Posted: September 21, 2021

Homeroom 8 - Return  Co-Curricular form

Science 9 - Students watched the last moon landings (Eugene Cernan) We will finish their tomorrow with notes on the international space station..(See attached PDF file for the notes )

        Homework:  Study note 10-15 minutes each night.

Math 7 -  Today we l reviewed Modelling integer subtraction with tiles and introduced the rule of "add the opposite"  (See attached PDF for the notes and  examples done in class)

        Homework: Finish   pg. 69 #5 use rules, 1ai, 12a, 13b

                                         pg. 73 #1 use rules

                 TEST Sept 28 (TUESDAY)

 Math 8 Students were given examples of review of multiplying & dividing of integers with RULES, TILES & Numberlines. (See attached PDF for a copy of the notes)

         Homework: Finish   pg 87-88 #4, 5acegi, 8ad, 9ac, 10abcd,

                                                  Test SEPT 28

Science 6 - The scientific method variables

Posted: September 20, 2021

Homeroom 8 - Return  Co-Curricular form

Science 9 - Students were given notes on the first moon landings and the last..(See attached PDF file for the notes )

        Homework:  Study note 10-15 minutes each night.

Math 7 -  Today we looked at Modelling integer subtraction with tiles   (See attached PDF for the notes and  examples done in class)

        Homework: Finish   pg. 69 #1 to #4

                 TEST Sept 24 (Friday)

 Math 8-  Students were given examples of review of multiplying & dividing of integers with RULES, TILES & Numberlines. (See attached PDF for a copy of the notes)

         Homework: Finish   pg 83      #1, #2, #6, #7, #8, #9a, #11

                                                  Quiz Tuesday Sept 21

                                               Test SEPT 28

Science 6 - The scientific method with Steve Sprangler

Posted: September 17, 2021

Homeroom 8 - Return  Co-Curricular form & Pictures Due MONDAY  (Pictures are being sent out MONDAY)

Science 9 - Students were given notes on Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.(See attached PDF file for the notes )

        Homework:  Study note 10-15 minutes each night.

Math 7 -  Today we reviewed Model integer addition using rules, tiles & numberlines. Student had a small quiz on the rules of additon   (See attached PDF for the notes and  examples done in class)

        Homework: Finish   pg. 65 #1ace, 2, 3abc, 6ab, 7abcd, 8ai, ii

                 TEST Sept 24 (Friday)

 Math 8-  Students were given examples and notes on dividing of integers with RULES, then given a short quiz and fisihed he class working on the homework . (See attached PDF for a copy of the notes)

         Homework: Finish   pg 80-81 #11, 12, 13

                                          pag 99 - #1 all (use rules only)

          Quiz Tuesday Sept 21

          Test SEPT 28

Science 6 - Video day on scientist in the real world. MYTH Bust JR

Posted: September 16, 2021

Homeroom 8 - Return  Co-Curricular form & Pictures Due Tomorow

Science 9 - Students were given notes on Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars.(See attached PDF file for the notes )

        Homework:  Study note 10-15 minutes each night.

Math 7 -  Today we Model integer addition using rules   (See attached PDF for the notes and  examples done in class)

        Homework: Finish   pg. 64 #8, 9, 10ac,(use numberline)  

                                         pg 65  #4ace, 5ace Use rules   QUIZ tomorrow

 Math 8-  Students were given examples and notes on dividing of integers with RULES . (See attached PDF for a copy of the notes)

         Homework: Finish   pg 80-81 #3ad, 4abc, 5, 6, 7ai, bi, 8ace, 

                                           pg 74-75 #9, 11, 12, 18

          Quiz Friday

Science 6 - Started the class with Video of Penicillin (How one scientist discovered the mold and others build on this to get to today’s for of medicine.

Posted: September 15, 2021

Homeroom 8 - Return  Co-Curricular form & Pictures

Science 9 - Students completed questions on page 418- 419. (Solutions were disscussed by the end of the class )(See attached PDF file for the notes and answers to the assignment)

        Homework:  Study note 10-15 minutes each night.

Math 7 -  Today we Model integer addition using numberlines   (See attached PDF for the notes and  examples done in class)

        Homework: Finish   pg. 62 # # 1(a,c,e,g), # 2(a,b,c),  #3(a & b but just repeat it  for 2b and 2c) #4 (a,b,c), #5


Math 8-  Students were given examples and notes on multiplication of integers with RULES . (See attached PDF for a copy of the notes)

         Homework: Finish   pg 73   #3(abcd), #4(abcdefghij) #6(ace USE box Method to show work) #7(bd USE box Method to show work),  

          Quiz Friday

Science 6 - Started the class with finishing  Cool Jobs: Problem Solvers - YouTube and the discovery of Penicillin and how scientist built off of each other to get it to pill form(See attached PDF for a copy of the notes)

Posted: September 14, 2021

Homeroom 8 - Return Media form, Co-Curricular form & Pictures

Science 9 - Students learned about the reason for day & night and the reasons of rthe seasons. We copied all notes under lined or slides that said copy all (See attached PDF file for the notes)

        Homework:  Study note 10-15 minutes each night.

Math 7 -  Day4 Model integer addition   (See attached PDF for the notes and  examples done in class)

        Homework: Finish   pg. 58 # 1(a,c,e) ,  #2, #3(a,b...sketch tiles), #4(a,d,f)   #6(a,b,c,d,e)       

                             Quiz tomorrow

Math 8-  Students were given another day of examples and notes on multiplication of integers with tiles and number lines . (See attached PDF for a copy of the notes)

         Homework: Finish   pg 68-69    #9(a,b,c,d), #10(a,b,c,d), #11(a,c,e), #12, #13, 

Science 6 - Started the class with finishing notes on the scientific method then Cool Jobs: Problem Solvers - YouTube (See attached PDF for a copy of the notes)

Posted: September 13, 2021

Homeroom 8 - Return Media form, Student Information form & Pictures

Science 9 - Students learned about he legend of Hercules then they were given notes on the light year, order of planets and earth rotation & revolution. We copied all notes under lined or slides that said copy all (See attached PDF file for the notes)

        Homework:  Study note 10-15 minutes each night.

Math 7 -  Day3 Model integers in more than one way review  *** (See attached PDF for the notes and  examples done in class)

        Homework: Finish   pg. 54 # 1,2(a,b,), #5a, #6(ad),  #7(a,b) 

                             Warm Up quiz tomorrow (Similar to today's warm up)

Math 8-  Students were given examples and notes on multiplication of integers with tiles and number lines . (See attached PDF for a copy of the notes)

         Homework: Finish   pg 68 #5, 7, 8ac

Science 6 - Started the class with crime scene observations and questioning. Then started notes on the scientific method (See attached PDF for a copy of the notes)

Posted: September 10, 2021

Homeroom 8 - Return Media form, Student Information form & Pictures

Science 9 - Students learned about the legend of Orion then they were given an assignment on their zodiac sign.  

        Homework:  Finish the Zodiac assignment (Pass this in on MONDAY)

Math 7 -  Day 1 of Integer addition using tiles (See attached PDF for the notes and  examples done in class)

        Homework: Finish Worksheet Both front and back (Most were done in 15 minutes) (ATTACHED below as PDF)

Math 8- Students reviewed modelling subtraction of integers with tiles and number lines and revied the rules for addition and subtraction of integers.

         Homework: Finish the worksheet from class. #1c, 2a, 3b, 4ac, 5a, 8abcd (WS Attached below as PDF)


Science 6 - Looking at how scientist are portrayed on the internet and on tv. Notes on scientific inquiry 


Posted: September 9, 2021

Homeroom 8 - Return Media form, Student Information form & Pictures

Science 9-  Note attached in the PDF file on Constellations and definitions of terms.

Math 7 - Review of grade 6 integers on representing with tiles &ordering 

        Homework: Students finished their sheet in class (But also attached int he lesson below)

Math 8-  Students reviewed grade 6 & 7 integer representation with tiles & number lines. As well we reviewed modelling addition of integers with tiles and number lines

                Homework: NONE

Science 6 - Students were asked to draw a picture of a scientist and what they think scientist use in their work.

Posted: September 7, 2021

Homeroom 8 - Take home forms

Science 9-  Homework: Find informationthe following information and write it ou on loose leaf

                           1) Find 1 Female Scientist and what did she discover?

                           2) Find one male scientist and what did he discover?

                           3) Find 2 branches of science and what do they study? (Cannot do Chemistry & Biology)

Math 7 - Students were given the course outline, textbooks assigned and reviewed that all notes are on the teacher page.. (All students had their calculators..GREAT because there are NO CELL PHONES in class)

        Homework: Take home home learning duo-tang

Math 8-  Students were given the course outline, textbooks assigned and reviewed that all notes are on the teacher page.. (Some students had their calculators...BUT others still need to get one. NO CELL PHONES in class)

                Homework: Take home home learning duo-tang

Science 6 - We went ove the class expectations, drills and who I am.

Posted: June 11, 2021

Science 7 - Video day (David Suzuki - A Dogs life) Scientist studying the action of dog

Math 8- BBQ day 

Science 9 - Study for your Exam on Wednesday, June 16 (8:35- 10:35) Must stay until 10:05 

             (36 Multiple choice, 10 True & False, 12 Matching, 16 short response (valued 42 in total))

             Total points for the exam 100 

