Oct. 29

Posted: October 29, 2021

Homeroom- Today is an operational day and it is the only day that students will be allowed in the building for matherials such as coats, boots, glasses and books.  

Science 9-  For now study your cell diagrams and cell parts definitions. You will have a quiz on labelling the Cell diagram the first day back. The cell definitions will be 2 days after that. Starting TUESDAY I will post daily  notes and you are expected to copy them out (either print them or write them down). Look at the webpage each day.


Math 7 & 8 - Starting Monday, work on your home learning duotangs that were made up at the beginning of the year. If you misplaced yours, I have attached a copy of it below as a PDF file.  If the school is closed down longer than 3 days then on THURSDAY Nov. 3 I will be posting daily videos of the math lessons.  I will be assigning textbook questions and will have a link to the online textbook there for you to follow.  CHECK the teacher page daily.


Science 6-  You can work on your science projects that you were doing in groups at home. If yuo cannot get together with your group try doing it on your own and discuss it with your group over the phone or when we get back. (Follow the scientific method)