Nov. 10 & 12

Posted: November 9, 2021

Homeroom- Send a message to each teacher to ensure you are doing your home learning. 

Science 9-  Finish Allen Legere questions at the bottom of the notes page from Monday. Have these ready to turn in when you return. These questions are also on the test & exam.  Send me a thumbs up on teams each day to count as your attendance.

Math 8- Notes and video attacjed on fraction times a whome number (how to model). Watch the video and complet the questions. You have today and Friday to get this done. Nov 10 Math 8 Review of fraction time a whole number modelled - YouTube

Homework - Page 108  #6, #7, #8a, #9(a,b), #10(a,b), #11(a,b,c) , #14(a,c), #15(a,c), #16(a,c,f), #17 

(Model for #1 to 14 buyt  if you see the pattern for the rule you can use that, if not contine to model)

Math 7- You are workong on a worksheet that looks like the test you will have when you return. You have Wednsday Nov. 10 and Friday Nov. 12 to get this done.(Send me a thmbs up on teams to show you are working each day for your attendance)

Science 6- If you want watch BBC - Life In Cold Blood | The Cold Blooded Truth - YouTube   (47 minutes)