Nov. 12

Posted: November 12, 2021

Science 9- Nov. 12 Today I attached a video of me explaining MITOSIS (it is a you tube video that I uploaded). Watch the video then complete the assignment. Place the solutions in you notes and I will collect them when we return. Make sure to put a thumbs up on this message so that I can count that as you attendance.

 Video 1 Science 9 Mitosis & Cell Division explained by M O'Keefe - YouTube

(Below is the PDF file of the worksheet just write a to i on paper don't have to draw he pictures. Then complete 2-8 on paper)


Math 7 - (Smae as Nov. 10) You are working on a worksheet that looks like the test you will have when you return(attached below as a pdf file). You need to finish it today, Friday Nov. 12. (Send me a thumbs up on teams to show you are working each day for your attendance) No meeting today. If you have this sheet all done, then you are done for the day.

Math 8- Notes and video attached on fraction times a whole number (how to model). Watch the video and complete the questions. You have to finish what I assigned on Wednesday, I attached it below just in case you can’t find it. Send a thumbs up to this message if you are working on this and that will count as your attendance. No meeting today. (If you already completed everything below then you have a free day)
Nov 10 Math 8 Review of fraction time a whole number modelled - YouTube

Homework - Page 108 #6, #7, #8a, #9(a,b), #10(a,b), #11(a,b,c) , #14(a,c), #15(a,c), #16(a,c,f), #17 
Science 6- Make sure to have the notes copied from Monday, Nov. 8