Ms. J. Hallihan

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: October 20, 2011

Posted: October 20, 2011

Due to a family tragedy, I missed 3 days of school this week.  The substitute teacher was very impressed with my class, and had a wonderful 3 days with them. Since my return we have continued to work on our dream homes.  Students are now in groups and are working on designing one large dream home for their group.  Students can now take their snow globes home.  The rest of the school was very impressed with them! Mme Jen

Posted: October 13, 2011

This week, we completed our unit on extended families and began designing our dream homes.   We have had some great ideas, like a magical toilet, a jacuzzi filled with ice cream, a mirror that tells the future and a table and chairs that dance!  On Friday, I will be sending home the Interim reports.  This is a new report that serves as a "mini-report card".  Please review how your child is doing, and if there are any questions or concerns, please feel free to call me at the schoo. (843-2900) Mme Jen

Posted: October 6, 2011

Posted: September 29, 2011

This week we have continued to talk about our families.  Now, we have expanded into extended family, including aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents.  Some students have very big families! On Wednesday, our school participated in the Terry Fox run.  Our class walked to the Bartholomew Road and back, which is approx. 3 KM.  Also, students brought in a loonie to donate to cancer research. Have a great weekend!

Posted: September 29, 2011

This Thursday evening there will be a meet the teacher event from 6:00pm until 6:30pm for parents of elementary students.  Mrs. Manderville and I will be presenting together, as we will both be teaching all Grade 5 students. Hope to see you there!

Posted: September 13, 2011

Our first week certainly seemed to go by fast!  We spent most of last week getting settled in and learning our routines.  We are now in our 2nd week, and by far most of the day is completely in French.  Students have transitioned easily as I increase the amount of French being spoken.  They are a keen, well-mannered group of students.  I know we are going to have a fantastic year! I have asked for students to bring in headphones from home if possible. These are to use in the computer lab.  You can buy these at a dollar store.  Have a great week!

Posted: August 30, 2011

Welcome to Grade 5!  I hope that everyone had a fun, safe summer.  Things are going to be a little different this year than in the past for Grade 5 students.  For the first half of the year, until the end of January, one class of Grade 5 students will be with me following the Intensive French Program, while the other class will be with Mrs. Manderville following a compacted version of the regular Grade 5 program.  At the beginning of February we will switch classes.   I am very excited to have the chance to teach all of the Grade 5 students.  See you on the first day of school!

Posted: June 3, 2011

I am very excited to announce that my class, along with the other grade 5 class, will be travelling to Camp Sheldrake on June 17th for our end of the year field trip.  This is a big year for the students as it is their last year in Elementary School. The trip to Camp Sheldrake is always reserved for the Grade 5’s to celebrate their years in elementary school.    They will leave the school at 8:35am and return just before dismissal at 3pm.  Their day will be packed with activities such as repelling, canoeing, archery, art and games.  They will have to bring a bagged lunch that day, as we will be only taking a brief lunch break from 12:30-1pm.  Also, please make sure they have sunscreen, bug spray, towel and bathing suit in case they have the chance to go swimming in the river that day if a lifeguard is available.  If it is raining on this day, please come prepared for the weather with umbrellas and rain attire.   The cost of the trip is $15/student and it is well worth the price considering a day at this camp for your child during the summer months is $40.  Hopefully all the students will be able to finish the year off with this amazing adventure.  The money for this will be due in to me by June 13th.    I know the students are going to love it!!!   Also, on June 7th, we will be travelling to French Fort Cove for some Geo-caching with our pen pals from N.S.E.E.  There is no cost for this trip.   On June 22nd, we will be going to J.M.H. in Miramichi for our track and field day.  Students need to bring their lunch, lots of water, sunscreen and insect repellent.    Mme Jen

Posted: May 20, 2011


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