Mrs. J. Underhill - Archived 08/20

English 9, English 112, History 112/113

Posted: September 19, 2016

Homework - read "The Possibility of Evil".

Posted: September 16, 2016

These are the items which we wil be covering on Monday and Tuesday:

1. Complete the chapter 17, section 2 vocabulary and people and places for Monday.

2. Complete the chapter 17, section 3 people and places (only the ones we circled in class) and test outline for Tuesday, as well as the chapter review (quesitons assigned in class)

3. Test on chapter 17 will be Thursday, September 22.

Posted: September 16, 2016

Students finished up their Name Activity assignment and handed them in to be marked. We will begin a new writing assignment on Monday.

NO HOMEWORK for the weekend. :)

Posted: September 16, 2016

REMINDER - the assignment for "The Lottery" is due Monday.

Also, the assignment for "The Stoning of Soraya M." is due Friday.

Guidelines and postings for these assignments are listed in the notes from Wednesday and Thursday.

We will be starting a new story by Shirley Jackson on Monday and another assignment will be assigned for the two stories by be prepared. LOTS of work to do next week.

You are all working very hard! Stay on top of the work, folks. :)

Have a great weekend.


Thu, Sep 22/16 2:00 am

Posted: September 16, 2016

Please refer to the noet from yesterday for the items you need to be working on for the next few days. All of the items listed should be finished by Tuesday as the test for chapter 17 will be Wednesday. We will take some time to review of the worked listed during Tuesday's class.

Posted: September 15, 2016

We finished reading section 3 of chapter 17 today, therefore, we are finished with chapter 17. There will be a test on this chapter on Wednesday, Setember 21. I handed out a few handouts today and students are working on preparing for the test by completing this work. I have uploaded the hand outs below. Please complete this work in the order listed:

1. Finish the section 2 work.

2. Finish the assigned vocabulary for section 3.

3. Complete your test outline for section 17.

4. Study and understand the notes on the Seven Year's War.

5. We will have a short quiz on the chapter on MONDAY.

5. Use your test outline to study for the test on WEDNESDAY.

Posted: September 15, 2016

Students read from their independent novels today, so no reading is necessary tonight. Students then worked on their name activity. We will finish these up in tomorrow's class.

PDF icon name_activity.pdf160.57 KB


Fri, Sep 23/16 8:40 am

Posted: September 15, 2016

We began watching the film, "The Stoning of Soraya M." today. This true story is to accompany our short story, "The Lottery". We will continue this tomorrow.

HOMEWORK - for tonight I would like you to consider the following:

- New information you have gained from the film so far.

- Your predictions as to what is going to happen.

- Make sure you can distinguish between the charaters and roles they are playing.

I also handed out the assignment which goes along with this film. We discussed the expectations of this in class and set the due date - Friday, September 23. This will be completed on your own time. I have uploaded the assignment below.

REMINDER - Your Part B assignment for "The Lottery" is due on Monday.


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