Mr. A. Hallihan


Posted: January 30, 2019

Posted: January 27, 2019

Avery submitted this presentation on trapping coyotes...

PDF icon avery_-_coyote_trap_line.pdf1.83 MB

Posted: January 23, 2019

Project - You and a partner must load a program onto the micro:bit... include your names on the micro:bit and pass in a post0it note with instructions and summary of the program.  Here is the website...

PDF icon mste_-_jan._23.pdf1.46 MB

Posted: January 22, 2019

Here is what needs to get completed today...

- Login into Scratch and complete/share the following:

1) At least 5 tutorials

2) 10 Block Assignment

3) Build Your Own Assignment

4) 4 Pen activities (circle, square, triangle, spirograph)

***See attached lessons for instructions on assignments and pen activities

- When all your Scratch work is done, login into EverFi and work on the modules.

- If both EverFi and Scratch are complete...check out this site on micro:bits - do some of the tutorials as we will start this tomorrow!

Posted: January 18, 2019

Be sure to know that sections of the scale identified in the lab for the exam... 

Posted: January 18, 2019

Danaya presented her research paper topic.  We went over solutions to the second unit test and discuss possible questions from unit 3 (see exam review outline).  Progress reports were passed out showing mark going into the exam.  

*** If you are currently under 5 days missed, have all work complete and I signed off on EcoPoints activities done to date with arrangements made to complete other activities later on next week (stars on activities when submitted)...then you can qualify for an incentive of exam being valued at 15% or 100%.

*** If you plan to improve you current project mark by submitting other activities up to next Thursday...then you do not qualify for the incentive.

Posted: January 18, 2019

We went over test solutions for Chp. 1 (Unit Pricing/Currency Exchange) and Chp. 2 (Earning Money).  All solutions are now posted for the of luck with the exam! 

Be sure to bring your calculator, pencils/eraser and deduction tables. 

Exam is at 8:30 on Monday (Tuesday if it is a snow day) in the cafeteria.

Posted: January 18, 2019

PDF icon mste_-_jan._18.pdf2.08 MB

Posted: January 17, 2019

Shelter Building Day #4


Image Galleries

Added: Sun, May 10 2020


Added: Fri, May 8 2020