Mr. A. Hallihan



Mon, Jan 21/19 8:30 am

All exams start at 8:30am and will finish at 10:30 am.  Students are permitted to leave at 10am and all students are responsible for arranging their own drives home.  Otherwise, there will be studying halls for those who are staying until 3pm.  If extra time is needed to finish the exam, teacher(s) will arrange a location to finish the exam after 10:30am.  

Posted: January 11, 2019

Last computer lab class...plan for next week:

Monday - lab on salmon scale & order for presentations will be drawn

Tuesday - presentations begin for those students who did the research paper go first and then students for EcoPoints 

Wednesday - finish presentations if necessary and begin exam review

Thursday - EcoPoint Inventories are due (only lesson activities can be completed during exam period)...exam review

Friday - exam review


Mon, Jan 21/19 8:45 am

All exams start at 8:30am and will finish at 10:30 am.  Students are permitted to leave at 10am and all students are responsible for arranging their own drives home.  Otherwise, there will be studying halls for those who are staying until 3pm.  If extra time is needed to finish the exam, teacher(s) will arrange a location to finish the exam after 10:30am.  

Posted: January 11, 2019

Unit Test will be on Tuesday.  Guest speaker is not here today so we will review for test/exam and the schedule for presentation has changed so this class is not affected.

Posted: January 11, 2019

Continue working on Scratch tutorials...need to share at least 5!

Many thanks to Tim Humes for presenting to our students this semester!

Posted: January 8, 2019

Check out rubric for upcoming presentation...'

Presentations for those who did the research paper will begin next Tuesday!

PDF icon env._sci._120_-_jan._8.pdf1.86 MB

Posted: January 8, 2019

HOMEWORK:  Work on sample test... next Tuesday will be the Unit Test!

PDF icon gmf_10_-_jan._8.pdf543.92 KB

Posted: January 8, 2019

Intro. to Scratch Programming... using the link below do the following:

- login using your school username with password Talon2019

- complete the registration 

- click on create then click on tutorials

- you need to do at least 5 tutorials and make sure you share when completed


Tue, Jan 15/19 11:00 am


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Added: Sun, May 10 2020


Added: Fri, May 8 2020