Mrs. O'Keefe - Archived 09/24 Notes

1 <3 (Science & Math)


Posted: October 31, 2023

Homeroom 7O- Gr 7 Needles Nov. 17

                          Parent Teacher Dec. 7 from  4:00- 6:30

                           Humans vs Zombies Dec. 7   7:00-8:30   (Christmas Style)

Math 8 - Drawing isometric views. that are rotated day 2 Extra Practice 8.2  (Below is the PDF link to class notes & examples)

     Class/Homework: None (Was to be completed in class)   TEST Nov.7  TUESDAY ( we are done the unit today but will review Thursaday & Monday) 


Math 7 - Mid unit review Warm up is similar tot he quiz and we went over this in detail. Then students did a short quiz and it was marked and handed back. No homework since Halloweeen  (Below is the PDF link to class notes & examples)

     Class/Homework: TEST Nov. 8 WEDNSDAY


Science 6J - Halloween Activity.   (See attached PDF below for a copy of the notes) 

           Homework: No Homework 

Science 7O - Halloween activity.(See attached PDF below for a copy of the notes) 

           Homework: No Homework


Science 8D - Halloween Activity  (See attached PDF below for a copy of the notes) 

           Homework: No Homework

Posted: October 30, 2023

Homeroom 7O- Gr 7 Needles Nov. 17

                          Parent Teacher Dec. 7 from  4:00- 6:30

                           Humans vs Zombies Dec. 7   7:00-8:30   (Christmas Style)

Math 8 - Drawing isometric views. that are rotated day 1  (Below is the PDF link to class notes & examples)

     Class/Homework: None (Was to be completed in class)   TEST Nov. 8


Math 7 Review of Input/Output charts    (Below is the PDF link to class notes & examples)

     Class/Homework: Page 27  #1, 2, 3 & Finish Sheet 12 V1 from Oct 25 & 26 class since it looks like the test

                           TEST Nov. 2


Science 6J - New Unit on Living Things and this will relate the the later units of sight & Sound.   (See attached PDF below for a copy of the notes) 

           Homework: Study note 10 -15 minutes each night

Science 7O - Notes on Boling & Melting points then finished the video from last day.(See attached PDF below for a copy of the notes) 

           Homework: Study notes 10-15 min each night


Science 8D - Deep Water Horizon  (See attached PDF below for a copy of the notes) 

           Homework: Study notes 10-15 min each night

Posted: October 27, 2023

Homeroom 7O- Gr 7 Needles Nov. 17

                          Parent Teacher Dec. 7 from  4:00- 6:30

                           Humans vs Zombies Dec. 7   7:00-8:30   (Christmas Style)

Math 8 - Drawing isometric views. day 3  (Below is the PDF link to class notes & examples)

     Class/Homework: None (Was to be completed in class)   TEST Nov. 8


Math 7 Worksheet 12 (V2)   (Below is the PDF link to class notes & examples)

     Class/Homework:   (Attached below as PDF)   TEST Nov. 2


Science 6J - Quiz on determining the independedt & dependent variable when given scenerios.   (See attached PDF below for a copy of the notes) 

           Homework: Study note 10 -15 minutes each night

Science 7O - Video Day on Scientist in real life.(See attached PDF below for a copy of the notes) 

           Homework: Study notes 10-15 min each night


Science 8D - Deep Water Horizon  (See attached PDF below for a copy of the notes) 

           Homework: Study notes 10-15 min each night

Posted: October 26, 2023

Homeroom 7O- Picture Retakes Friday, Oct 27 

                           Gr 7 Needles Nov. 17

                          Parent Teacher Dec. 7 from  4:00- 6:30

                           Humans vs Zombies Dec. 7   7:00-8:30   (Christmas Style)

Math 8 - Drawing isometric views.  (Below is the PDF link to class notes & examples)

     Class/Homework: None (Was to be completed in class)


Math 7 Warm-up of determining expression from word problem and then write out a chart and how to show your work properly. Quizzes all handed back  (Below is the PDF link to class notes & examples)

     Class/Homework: Worksheet 12 (V1)   (Attached below as PDF)


Science 6J - Reviewed how to determine the independedt & dependent variable when given scenerios. QUIZ TOMORROW  (See attached PDF below for a copy of the notes) 

           Homework: QUIZ Fridau on Independent, dependent & Controlled variables --Study note 10 -15 minutes each night

Science 7O - Qualitative vs Qunatitative Notes.(See attached PDF below for a copy of the notes) 

           Homework: Study notes 10-15 min each night


Science 8D - Density Tower Demonstration (See attached PDF below for a copy of the notes) 

           Homework: Study notes 10-15 min each night 

Posted: October 24, 2023

Homeroom 7O- Halloween dance 7:00- 8:30   OCT 25   Cost--> $5

                            Picture Retakes Friday, Oct 27 

                           Gr 7 Needles Nov. 17

                          Parent Teacher Dec. 7 from  4:00- 6:30

                           Humans vs Zombies Dec. 7   7:00-8:30   (Christmas Style)

Math 8 - Drawing isometric views.  (Below is the PDF link to class notes & examples)

     Class/Homework: None (Was to be completed in class)


Math 7 Warm-up of determining expression from word problem and then write out a chart and how to show your work properly. Quizzes all handed back  (Below is the PDF link to class notes & examples)

     Class/Homework: Page 24- #9,   Worksheet #1 & 2    (Attached below as PDF)


Science 6J - Reviewed how to determine the independedt & dependent variable when given scenerios. QUIZ thursday on this  (See attached PDF below for a copy of the notes) 

           Homework: QUIZ Thursday on Independent, dependent & Controlled variables --Study note 10 -15 minutes each night

Science 7O - Mallelbility & Dutility Notes.(See attached PDF below for a copy of the notes) 

           Homework: Study notes 10-15 min each night


Science 8D - Applying the D=m/v formula to word problems (See attached PDF below for a copy of the notes) 

           Homework: Study notes 10-15 min each night 

Posted: October 23, 2023

Homeroom 7O- Halloween dance 7:00- 8:30   OCT 25   Cost--> $5

                            Picture Retakes Friday, Oct 27 

                           Gr 7 Needles Nov. 17

Math 8 - More practice with net. Students worked on PAge 108-182  #1,4,5,6,7,11 (Below is the PDF link to class notes & examples)

     Class/Homework: None (Was to be completed in class)


Math 7 Warm-up of determining expression from word problem and then write out a chart and how to show your work properlu. Quizzes all handed back  (Below is the PDF link to class notes & examples)

     Class/Homework: Page 24-   #6, #7   (We did # 6 as a class) (Attached below as PDF)


Science 6J - Looked at te worm experiment then Students got into groups to dicuss the hypothesis and experiment Worksheet"  (See attached PDF below for a copy of the notes) 

           Homework: Study note 10 -15 minutes each night

Science 7O - "Take me Outside Day VIDEO on their website (Recording)".(See attached PDF below for a copy of the notes) 

           Homework: Study notes 10-15 min each night


Science 8D - Notes on force, weight, mass and density formul arearranged (See attached PDF below for a copy of the notes) 

           Homework: Study notes 10-15 min each night 

Posted: October 20, 2023

Homeroom 7O- Halloween dance 7:00- 8:30   OCT 25

                            Picture Retakes Friday, Oct 27 

                           Gr 7 Needles Nov. 17

Math 8 - HAndout on Polygons names and the faces of POLYHEDRONS (Below is the PDF link to class notes & examples)

     Class/Homework: None


Math 7 Warm-up of determining expression from a given chart and how to show your work properlu. Then we had a short quiz and computer time  (Below is the PDF link to class notes & examples)

     Class/Homework: None (Most got this done in class) (Attached below as PDF)


Science 6J - "Take Me Outside" clas stoday. Students finished "Nature" artwork. (See attached PDF below for a copy of the notes) 

           Homework: Study note 10 -15 minutes each night

Science 7O - "Take me Outside Day VIDEO on their website (Recording)".(See attached PDF below for a copy of the notes) 

           Homework: Study notes 10-15 min each night


Science 8D -Take me Outside Day VIDEO on their website (Recording) (See attached PDF below for a copy of the notes) 

           Homework: Study notes 10-15 min each night  

Posted: October 19, 2023

Homeroom 7O- Halloween dance 7:00- 8:30   OCT 25

                            Picture Retakes Friday, Oct 27 

                           Gr 7 Needles Nov. 17

Math 8 - Students continued to work onNETs of 3D objects. (Below is the PDF link to class notes & examples)

     Class/Homework: Page 174 #4, 5, 6, 7,8,9,10,12


Math 7 Students did classwork on finding patterns incharts and writing expression for the charts again today  (Below is the PDF link to class notes & examples)

     Class/Homework: Must complete sheet from yeaterday and today (Most got this done in class) (Attached below as PDF)


Science 6J - "Take Me Outside" clas stoday. Students collected "Nature"Objects and designed artwork. (See attached PDF below for a copy of the notes) 

           Homework: Study note 10 -15 minutes each night

Science 7O - "Take me Outside Day".(See attached PDF below for a copy of the notes) 

           Homework: Study notes 10-15 min each night


Science 8D - Take Me Outside Day (See attached PDF below for a copy of the notes) 

           Homework: Study notes 10-15 min each night  

Posted: October 18, 2023

Homeroom 7O- Halloween dance 7:00- 8:30   OCT 25

                            Picture Retakes Friday, Oct 27 

                           Gr 7 Needles Nov. 17

Math 8 - Students were introduced to NET of 3D objects. (Below is the PDF link to class notes & examples)

     Class/Homework: None 


Math 7 Students did classwork on finding patterns incharts and writing expression for the charts   (Below is the PDF link to class notes & examples)

     Class/Homework: None


Science 6J - Students  worked on identifying independent, dependent & controlled variables when given an experiment senerio. PLANT Worksheet (See attached PDF below for a copy of the notes) 

           Homework: Study note 10 -15 minutes each night

Science 7O - Students looked at the biggest science discoveries of 2022. Notes on Physical prperties 1) State 2) Hardness (Review of grade 6 terms).(See attached PDF below for a copy of the notes) 

           Homework: Study notes 10-15 min each night


Science 8D - Students copied notes on Mass, Volume and looke at how to find the volume of an irregular shape. (See attached PDF below for a copy of the notes) 

           Homework: Study notes 10-15 min each night  

Posted: October 17, 2023

Homeroom 7O- Halloween dance 7:00- 8:30   OCT 25

                            Picture Retakes Friday, Oct 27 

                           Gr 7 Needles Nov. 17

Math 8 - Students worked on a review worksheet of BEDMAS & Expressions  (Below is the PDF link to class notes & examples)

     Class/Homework: None 


Math 7 Students worked on a review worksheet of BEDMAS & Expressions  (Below is the PDF link to class notes & examples)

     Class/Homework: None


Science 6J - Students  worked on identifying independent, dependent & controlled variables when given an experiment senerio. Simpson Worksheet (See attached PDF below for a copy of the notes) 

           Homework: Study note 10 -15 minutes each night

Science 7O - Students discussed the difference between independent, dependent and controlles and applied it to the dissolving of water sceneerio (Review of grade 6 terms).(See attached PDF below for a copy of the notes) 

           Homework: Study notes 10-15 min each night


Science 8D - Students copied notes on Particle size, temperature and density (See attached PDF below for a copy of the notes) 

           Homework: Study notes 10-15 min each night  

Posted: October 16, 2023

Homeroom 7O- Halloween dance 7:00- 8:30   OCT 25

                            Picture Retakes Friday, Oct 27 

                           Gr 7 Needles Nov. 17

Math 8 - All test results were returned AND today was a fun day since the class average on the last test was 79%  (Below is the PDF link to class notes & examples)

     Class/Homework: None ( Answers attached below)


Math 7 - Students worked on writing expression for tables,(Below is the PDF link to class notes & examples) 

     Class/Homework: Page 23  #1abcd, 2abd, 3  (We did these together)


Science 6J - Students finished their SCIENTIST in the real worls video. (See attached PDF below for a copy of the notes) 

           Homework: Study note 10 -15 minutes each night

Science 7O - Students finished their SCIENTIST in the real worls video. .(See attached PDF below for a copy of the notes) 

           Homework: Study notes 10-15 min each night


Science 8D - Students finished their SCIENTIST in the real worls video. (See attached PDF below for a copy of the notes) 

           Homework: Study notes 10-15 min each night  

Posted: October 10, 2023

Homeroom 7O- Humans Vs Zombies Thursday, Oct. 12 (6:30-8:00)

                             Halloween dance 7:00- 8:30   OCT 25

                            Picture Retakes Friday, Oct 27 

                           Gr 7 Needles Nov. 17

Math 8 - Complete the Extra practice 7 & The test review  (Below is the PDF link to class notes & examples)

     Class/Homework: Complete test review worksheet ( Answers attached below)

                           Test TOMORROW Thursday, Oct. 12           

Math 7 - Students are to complete the DAy 4.5 Worksheet. Below are the solutions. (Below is the PDF link to class notes & examples) 

     Class/Homework: Complete Worksheets from class.


Science 6J - Video assignment on "Artic Sink Holes" for global warming. This was handed in. (See attached PDF below for a copy of the notes) 

           Homework: Study note 10 -15 minutes each night

Science 7O - Video assignment on "Artic Sink Holes" for global warming. This was handed in.(See attached PDF below for a copy of the notes) 

           Homework: Study notes 10-15 min each night


Science 8D - Video assignment on "Artic Sink Holes" for global warming. This was handed in(See attached PDF below for a copy of the notes) 

           Homework: Study notes 10-15 min each night  

Posted: October 10, 2023

Homeroom 7O- Humans Vs Zombies Thursday, Oct. 12 (6:30-8:00)

                             Halloween dance 7:00- 8:30   OCT 25

                            Picture Retakes Friday, Oct 27 

                           Gr 7 Needles Nov. 17

Math 8 - Graphing input/output charts day 5. More work on Extra practice 6 & 7  (Below is the PDF link to class notes & examples)

     Class/Homework: Complete Extra Practice 6

                           Test Thursday, Oct. 12           

Math 7 - Quiz marks handed back and students worked on Review sheet on Expression and writing expression using terminology for operations. (Below is the PDF link to class notes & examples) 

     Class/Homework: none


Science 6J - Video assignment on "Floating Houses" for global warming. This was handed in. (See attached PDF below for a copy of the notes) 

           Homework: Study note 10 -15 minutes each night

Science 7O - Video assignment on "Floating Houses" for global warming. This was handed in.(See attached PDF below for a copy of the notes) 

           Homework: Study notes 10-15 min each night


Science 8D - Video assignment on "Floating Houses" for global warming. This was handed in..(See attached PDF below for a copy of the notes) 

           Homework: Study notes 10-15 min each night  

Posted: October 6, 2023

Homeroom 7O- Humans Vs Zombies Thursday, Oct. 12 (6:30-8:00)

                             Halloween dance 7:00- 8:30   OCT 25

                            Picture Retakes Friday, Oct 27 

                           Gr 7 Needles Nov. 17

Math 8 - Graphing input/output charts day 4. Discrete & Continuous data notes   (Below is the PDF link to class notes & examples)

     Class/Homework: Page 373 #18, 19, 20

                           Test Thursdau, Oct. 12           

Math 7 - More example of collecting like terms & a quiz after the warm up(Below is the PDF link to class notes & examples)

     Class/Homework: none


Science 6J - Quiz Day in Scientific Methodn (See attached PDF below for a copy of the notes) 

           Homework: Stuy note 10 -15 minutes each night

Science 7O - Quiz Day  on Matte. (See attached PDF below for a copy of the notes) 

           Homework: Study notes 10-15 min each night


Science 8D - Video Day on Scientist at work .(See attached PDF below for a copy of the notes) 

           Homework: Study notes 10-15 min each night  

Posted: October 5, 2023

Homeroom 7O- Humans Vs Zombies Thursday, Oct. 12 (6:30-8:00)

                            Picture Retakes Friday, Oct 27 

Math 8 - Graphing input/output charts day 3. Discrete & Continuous data notes   (Below is the PDF link to class notes & examples)

     Class/Homework: Page 363-365  #10, 11            

Math 7 - More example of collecting like terms lesson(Below is the PDF link to class notes & examples)

     Class/Homework: Worksheet- Finish BACK side


Science 6J - Studied for 10 Minutes for Friday's quiz. Then we looked at the Apple Lab again and wrote out step 2 & 3 with observation (See attached PDF below for a copy of the notes) 

           Homework: Quiz Friday 

Science 7O - QUIZ tomorrow and student studied for their class(See attached PDF below for a copy of the notes) 

           Homework: Study notes 10-15 min each night

                          Test Friday

Science 8D - Quiz handed back then looked at engineering designs that are considered failures .(See attached PDF below for a copy of the notes) 

           Homework: Study notes 10-15 min each night  
