Ms. J. Underhill - Archived - 09/2016

Courses: English 9, English 112, History 112 and 113

Posted: December 4, 2015

Please finish up your bunkhouse illustration for Monday.

Posted: December 3, 2015


Fri, Dec 4/15 9:37 am

Posted: December 3, 2015


Fri, Dec 11/15 11:00 am

Posted: December 3, 2015

We began the storyboard assignment for "The Cremation of Sam Magee" today. This will not be due until next Friday and all work will be completed in class. I have attached the guidelines below.

Posted: December 3, 2015

Posted: December 3, 2015

Your bunkhouse assignment for "Of Mice and Men" will be due at the end of class tomorrow. Please use your time wisely.

Posted: November 30, 2015

The Shooting of Dan McGrew - illustrated poem video

Posted: November 30, 2015

The Shooting of Dan McGrew - recited poem

Posted: November 30, 2015

Please finish the work for "The Shooting of Dan McGrew" only. I have attached an audio of the poem and the illustrated video in another post And under the "Web Links" at the bottom right of this page.I have also attached the poem and the questions to this post.

Posted: November 26, 2015

The WW1 assignment will be due one week from today, Friday, December 4. Please follow the guidelines provided on the handout. I have attached the hand out for you below.Tomorrow and Monday's class will be the only clases you will have to work on this, so come prepared.


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