Ms. J. Underhill - Archived - 09/2016

Courses: English 9, English 112, History 112 and 113
Welcome to High School English! This week in grade 9 we went over the course outline and discussed the materials needed for class, the units that we will be covering and most important, that this class will focus on preparing each grade 9 for the Literacy Assessment written in January. Students must pass this Literacy Assessment in order to graduate! It is extremely important for students to be in class as this is where skills in reading and writing will be developed.  Grade 9 started their first writing piece for this class; an autobiography. The final copy is due Friday September 18th.   We also started our journals and have written 2 entries.  *Reminder to students: Please find a novel by Monday's class for your independent novel study.  

Posted: September 13, 2015

Welcome back! In this first week of English 112 we discussed the course outline and dove right in by starting Unit One: Short Stories.There was a handout given on the first day, Elements of a Short Story, that is very important. There will be a test on these elements next week!  We started our first short story: "Twins" by Eric Wright. We read this in class, discussed, and there were vocabulary and questions assigned for homework. The answers were gone over in class on Friday. We also started our second short story: "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson. Vocabulary and questions (#1-4 on sheet) were assigned on Friday and will be discussed in class on Monday. *Reminder to students: please find a novel by Monday's class for your independent novel study. 


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