Ms. J. Underhill - Archived - 09/2016

Courses: English 9, English 112, History 112 and 113

We have finished reading to the end of chapter 4 in our class novel, The Outsiders. Please be sure you have read to at least this chapter. Students have also started the character portrait assignment. We will be completing this assignment in class. Pictures will be posted to my web page when these are finished.

Posted: February 15, 2016

REMINDER - your Industrial Revolution test will be WEDNESDAY, February 17 (two days from now). Please study the test outline you organized in class. Do not leave all of your studying for Tuesday night. Study tonight and tomorrow night, this will help you. I also added a practice test to help with your studying. I highly recommend that you complete it...

Posted: February 11, 2016

Tomorrow will be the last class to complete these projects. Please bring everything you need to class. They are looking amazing. I can't wait to display them. Great jobs, peeps.

Posted: February 11, 2016

This is a reminder of the test on the map of Europe which is TOMORROW. I gave everyone a practice map to help them study with tonight. Anyone not in class today can get it from the attachment below.

PLEASE be sure to study your map.

Also, next Wednesday will be the test on the Industrial Revolution unit. All students have received their test outline and should be working on completing and studying it.

Posted: February 10, 2016


Wed, Feb 17/16 9:35 am

Posted: February 10, 2016

REMINDER - The test of the map of Europe will be Friday. We went over the map today in class and students know the countries, capitals and bodies of water they are responsible to study.

Microsoft Office document icon map_of_europe_-_filled_in.doc639.5 KB

Posted: February 10, 2016

The chapter test on the Industrial Revolution will be Wednesday, February 17. I have attached the test outline below - all students have already received the outline.

Posted: February 8, 2016

Students have been busy finishing up their character portraits. We will. hopefully, have these all finished by the end of the week. Great job, guys, they are looking amazing.

Posted: February 8, 2016

Students began our class novel, The Outsiders, last week. We have read the first two chapters. If you have missed any of these readings, please get caught up tonight.

Posted: February 8, 2016


Fri, Feb 12/16 9:35 am


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