Mrs. O'Keefe - Archived 09/23

1 <3 (Science & Math)

Posted: March 2, 2022

Science 9 - Study the SUN Diagram for 15 minutes and then started Apollo 13 (notes are attached below as PDF file) 

     Class/homework:  QUiZ on Tomorrow on the Sun Diagram. Start studying your notes 10-15 minutes each night

                                   Test on Space March 22 

Math 7 - Students did correction to thier test from yesterday (See attached PDF file for a copy for today's notes)

   Class/homework:  None

Math 8 - Pythagorean theorem WORK PERIOD (Attached below as PDF file is today's notes)

  Class work: Page-  35-37    #6, 7ab, 8ab, 9a, 10, 13ab

Science 7 -  Notes on Igneous rocks and sedimentary rock with videos (Attached below as PDF file is today's notes)

Posted: March 1, 2022

Science 9 - Finished "Hidden Figures" Then did notes on nuclear fusion, SUN Diagram and shapes of galaxies. (notes are attached below as PDF file) 

     Class/homeworkQUZ on Thursday on the Sun Diagram. Start studying your notes 10-15 minutes each night

                                   Test on Space March 22 

Math 7 -Test Day (See attached PDF file for a copy for today's notes)

   Class/homework:  None

Math 8 - Pythagorean theorem day 2 (Attached below as PDF file is today's notes)

  Class work: Page-  34    #3, 4, 5

Science 7 -  Notes on 3 types of rocks and definitions of sedimentary, metamorphic, Paarent rock (Attached below as PDF file is today's notes)

Posted: February 28, 2022

Science 9 - Continued with "Hidden Figures"(notes are attached below as PDF file) 

     Class/homework:  QUZ on Thursday on the Sun Diagram. Start studying your notes 10-15 minutes each night 

Math 7 -Test review of Front-end estimations, rounding, multiplying, dividing decimals. (See attached PDF file for a copy for today's notes)

   Class/homework:  Study for Tuesday's test by doing the sheet below. This sheet looks like the test

Math 8 - Pythagorean theorem day 1 (Attached below as PDF file is today's notes)

  Class/homework: Page- none

Science 7 -  Assignment in the BBT lab(Attached below as PDF file is today's notes

Posted: February 25, 2022

Science 9 - Quiz on the planet orer then video on NASA computers "Hidden Figures"(notes are attached below as PDF file) 

     Class/homework:  QUZ on Wednesday on the Sun Diagram. Start studying your notes 10-15 minutes each night 

Math 7 -Test review of Front-end estimations, rounding, multiplying, dividing decimals. (See attached PDF file for a copy for today's notes)

   Class/homework:  Study for Tuesday's test

Math 8 - Let thme study fo the first part of the class for quiz, then we looked at the mid unit (Attached below as PDF file is today's notes)

  Class/homework: Page- 

Science 7 -  Video day of scientist in real life(Attached below as PDF file is today's notes

Posted: February 24, 2022

Science 9 - Notes on the meterites, comets and sun(notes are attached below as PDF file) 

     Class/homework:  QUZ on friday on the order of planets , one fact about each planet and the name and dates of the 2 disasters.. Start studying your notes 10-15 minutes each night 

Math 7 -Order of operations with decimals day 2 (See attached PDF file for a copy for today's notes)

   Class/homework:  Page 109 #2, & #3    then continue to work on the worksheet from last day

Math 8 - Estimating square roots of non-perfct numbers day 2(Attached below as PDF file is today's notes)

  Class/homework: Page 25- 27  #8abcd, 9abcd, 11abc, 12(ad),13(ad)  

Science 7 -  Notes on  uses of fracture & cleavage (Attached below as PDF file is today's notes

Posted: February 22, 2022

Science 9 - Notes on the space shuttle disasters, asteroids and meteroids(notes are attached below as PDF file) 

     Class/homework:  QUZ on friday on the order of planets , one fact about each planet and the name and dates of the 2 disasters.Start studying your notes 10-15 minutes each night 

Math 7 -Order of operations with decimals (See attached PDF file for a copy for today's notes)

   Class/homework: worksheet attached below TOP#1, 2, 8, 12, & #1 &2 Bottom

Math 8 - Estimating square roots of non-perfct numbers(Attached below as PDF file is today's notes)

  Class/homework: Page 25       #4, 5, 7

Science 7 -  Notes on  uses of minerals (Attached below as PDF file is today's notes

Posted: February 17, 2022

Science 9 -  Finished the video about the last man on the moon and then notes on the space station(notes are attached below as PDF file) 

     Class/homework:  Start studying your notes 10-15 minutes each night 

Math 7 -More practice with dividing decimals  without a calculator continues (3 digit by tenths) (See attached PDF file for a copy for today's notes)

   Class/homework: page 106-107  #1b, c d, #4c, #5abcd #7, #8, #9b

Math 8 - Square root of Perfect square numbers and factors(Attached below as PDF file is today's notes)

  Class/homework: NPage 14 #6, 7, 8a, 11ab, 12i, 14

Science 7 -   (Attached below as PDF file is today's notes

Posted: February 16, 2022

Science 9 -  Video about the last man on the moon (notes are attached below as PDF file) 

     Class/homework:  Start studying your notes 10-15 minutes each night 

Math 7 -Students had a short quiz and then we looked at dividing decimals  without a calculator continues (3 digit by tenths) (See attached PDF file for a copy for today's notes)

   Class/homework: #4a, b

Math 8 - Video on math language (Attached below as PDF file is today's notes)

  Class/homework: None

Science 7 -Mining Gold  (Attached below as PDF file is today's notes

Posted: February 15, 2022

Science 9 -  Notes on the Satelites & Moon landings (notes are attached below as PDF file) 

     Class/homework:  Start studying your notes 10-15 minutes each night 

Math 7 - Today I handed back the assignments and students had a short qiz and then we looked at dividing decimals  without a calculator continues (3 digit by tenths) (See attached PDF file for a copy for today's notes)

   Class/homework: None

Math 8 - Quiz first then notes on perfect square numbers (Attached below as PDF file is today's notes)

  Class/homework: Page 8   #2, #5

Science 7 -Used today's clas for math to review grade 4 & 5 multiplications since studnents needed help  (Attached below as PDF file is today's notes

Posted: February 14, 2022

Science 9 -  Notes on the planets (notes are attached below as PDF file) 

     Class/homework:  Start studying your notes 10-15 minutes each night 

Math 7 - Today I handed back the assignments and students did review.Tomorrow we will be dividing decimals  without a calculator continues (3 digit by tenths) (See attached PDF file for a copy for today's notes)


Math 8 - Notes on exponents day 2(Attached below as PDF file is today's notes)

  Class/homework: Worksheet attached below

Science 7 - Notes on  mining ore   (Attached below as PDF file is today's notes)


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Added: Wed, Apr 13 2022