Posted: February 17, 2022
Science 9 - Finished the video about the last man on the moon and then notes on the space station(notes are attached below as PDF file)
Class/homework: Start studying your notes 10-15 minutes each night
Math 7 -More practice with dividing decimals without a calculator continues (3 digit by tenths) (See attached PDF file for a copy for today's notes)
Class/homework: page 106-107 #1b, c d, #4c, #5abcd #7, #8, #9b
Math 8 - Square root of Perfect square numbers and factors(Attached below as PDF file is today's notes)
Class/homework: NPage 14 #6, 7, 8a, 11ab, 12i, 14
Science 7 - (Attached below as PDF file is today's notes