Posted: February 24, 2022
Science 9 - Notes on the meterites, comets and sun(notes are attached below as PDF file)
Class/homework: QUZ on friday on the order of planets , one fact about each planet and the name and dates of the 2 disasters.. Start studying your notes 10-15 minutes each night
Math 7 -Order of operations with decimals day 2 (See attached PDF file for a copy for today's notes)
Class/homework: Page 109 #2, & #3 then continue to work on the worksheet from last day
Math 8 - Estimating square roots of non-perfct numbers day 2(Attached below as PDF file is today's notes)
Class/homework: Page 25- 27 #8abcd, 9abcd, 11abc, 12(ad),13(ad)
Science 7 - Notes on uses of fracture & cleavage (Attached below as PDF file is today's notes