Posted: November 29, 2021
Mrs. O'Keefe - Archived 09/23
Posted: November 29, 2021
Science 9-Identical twins notes and watched the video on Allen Legere. (See attache PDF file for a copy of today's notes)
Homework: Hand in assignment for Allen Legere
Study notes for 10-15 minutes each night
Math 7 - In-Class Assignment on Review of Parallelograms and the how to find the area and perimeter. (See attached PDF file for a copy of the notes and examples.)
Homework: Finish the sheets from class aatched below for anyone not here
Math 8- Dividind fractions on numberlines (See attached PDF file for a copy of the notes and examples.)
Homework: Page132 #3c, #4, #5, #9ab
Science 6- Students copied notes on animal behavioraladaptations (See attached PDF file for a copy of the notes)
Homework: Study notes for 10-15 minutes each night
Posted: November 25, 2021
Science 9- Finished Dwarfism and started DNA notes )See attache PDF file for a copy of today's notes)
Homework: Study notes for 10-15 minutes each night
Math 7 - In-Class Assignment on Parallelograms and the how to find the area and perimeter along with circumference. (See attached PDF file for a copy of the notes and examples.)
Homework: None
Math 8- Christmas ornaments day (See attached PDF file for a copy of the notes and examples.)
Homework: None
Science 6- Students copied notes on animal adaptations (See attached PDF file for a copy of the notes)
Homework: Study notes for 10-15 minutes each night
Posted: November 24, 2021
Science 9- Finished Giagantism videos
Homework: Study notes for 10-15 minutes each night
Math 7 - Quiz today then notes on Parallelograms and the how to find the area and perimeter. (See attached PDF file for a copy of the notes and examples.)
Homework: Page 141 #1an( just find area don't draw), #2ab. 6ab, 7b
Math 8- Quiz then looked at divsion but didn't gety it all completed (See attached PDF file for a copy of the notes and examples.)
Homework: None
Science 6- Students made their own food chains (See attached PDF file for a copy of the notes)
Homework: Study notes for 10-15 minutes each night
Posted: November 23, 2021
Science 9- Finished Quiz on Mitosis/celldivsion then looked at the notes on hormones (Attached below)
Homework: Study notes for 10-15 minutes each night
Math 7 - Unit on Circles continued and talked about circumference again today. Work period on the following questions(See attached PDF file for a copy of the notes and examples.)
Homework: Page 138 #3, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9
Quiz tomorrow
Math 8- Mid-unit review (See attached PDF file for a copy of the notes and examples.)
Homework: Page 128 #2 to #5a only model #2a & 4c butuse the rules for the rest
Quiz tomorrow
Science 6- Food Chain Activity slide 39 and notes on consumers an why frogs are disappearing (See attached PDF file for a copy of the notes)
Homework: Study notes for 10-15 minutes each night
Posted: November 22, 2021
Science 9- Finished INTERSEX video and students have a quiz on MITOSIS diagram tomorrow.
Homework: Study notes for 10-15 minutes each night
Quiz on "CellDivsion Diagram" on Tuesday Nov. 23
Math 7 - Unit on Circles continued and talked about circumference againtoday.(See attached PDF file for a copy of the notes and examples.)
Homework: Worksheet on last page of slides
Math 8- Multiplication of a fraction times a MIXED fraction RULES (See attached PDF file for a copy of the notes and examples.)
Homework: Page 120 #15(a), #16a
Page 125 #4abc, #5(bhe) #6(bhe), #7ab (No estimation just multiply) #9ab
Quiz Wednesday
Science 6- More terms notes on hetertrophs, autotrophs up until food chains (See attached PDF file for a copy of the notes)
Homework: Study notes for 10-15 minutes each night
Posted: November 18, 2021
Science 9- Went over I-PMAT again and then discussed why is it improtant not to have xrays during pregnancy.
Homework: Study notes for 10-15 minutes each night
Quiz on "CellDivsion Diagram" on Tuesday Nov. 23
Math 7 - Unit on Circles continued and talked about circumference today.(See attached PDF file for a copy of the notes and examples.)
Homework: Page 136 #2,3,4,5,6
Math 8- Multiplication of a fraction times a fraction RULES (See attached PDF file for a copy of the notes and examples.)
Homework: Page 113 #13 model
Page 118 #6, 7abc, 8abc, 9, 11, USE RULES
Science 6- Last video on vertebrates "Birds"
Homework: Study notes for 10-15 minutes each night
Posted: November 17, 2021
Science 9- Had a test on matching the cell 's orgnaelles to their definitions, all marks were handed back. Today we went over the cell divsion I-PMAT in detail and did an assignment that resembles TUESDAY"S quiz
Homework: Study notes for 10-15 minutes each night
Quiz on "CellDivsion Diagram" on Tuesday Nov. 23
Math 7 - Started a new unit Circles and talked about radius and diameter today.(See attached PDF file for a copy of the notes and examples.)
Homework: Finish the worksheet on slide 7 of the PDF file below
Math 8- Multiplication of a fraction times a fraction modeling. (See attached PDF file for a copy of the notes and examples.)
Homework: Page 113 #5, 6abcdef
Science 6- Finished the video on Vertebrates (Birds) Then did out wellnes activity from 1:30-2:00
Homework: Study notes for 10-15 minutes each night
Posted: November 16, 2021
Science 9 - Students had a quiz on the cell diagram and rhen were give thte rest of the class to study for tomorrow quiz parts of the cell definitons.
Homework: Study for the quiz tomorrow on cell part definition (Matching)
Math 7- Test today on Patterns & Relatuions of equations & expressions
Homework: None
Math 8 - Review of fraction modeling of Fraction times whole number using numberlines and boxes
Homework: Page 108 # 5a, b #6a, b, #7 model 6 x (2/3) #8a, #1, #11a,b
Science 6- Reviewed Amphibians, Mammals
Homework: Start studying your notes 10-15 minutes each night on variety of life
Posted: November 15, 2021
Sceince 9- Students must get caught up from home learning so I attached all the notes below (First 3 PDF files below) and it tis the student's responsible to copy them out or print them. I explained cell divsion today.
Homework: Quiz tomorrow on Parts of the cells (diagram)
Quiz Wednesday on the definition of each cell part
Math 7- Pass in home learning work. Went over pretest worksheet (some needed to complete it). (I attached it as the 4th PDF file below)
Homework: Test tomorrow Finish the worksheet from class as a way to study.
Math 8- Pass in home learning work. Students were given a worksheet on the fraction material from homelearning (some needed to complete it).
Homework: Finish the worksheet from class today (Attached below as the 5th PDF file)
Science 6- Make sure students copy out the notes from home learning (It is their responsibility to copy them out or print them) I attached them below (The last PDF file below)for students to find them easily.