Mrs. J. Underhill - Archived 08/20

English 9, English 112, History 112/113


Fri, Mar 24/17 9:17 am

Posted: March 20, 2017

The Red Baron assignments are on Wednesday. All projects must be emailed to me by the beginning of the class on Wednesday.

Posted: March 16, 2017

Students are working hard on finishing up their work for their literature circle novels. I have extended the due date until next Wednesday in the hopes of students completing the work.

Posted: March 16, 2017

Homework assigned from Tuesday's class was to have chapters 3 and 4 read for today, as well as all character portraits were to be passed in.

I collected all portraits and the students completed an in-class assignment on the above mentioned readings. All work will be completed in class.

Posted: March 16, 2017

Students began the Red Baron Assignment today. I have uploaded the assignment details below.

DUE DATE: Tuesday, March 21

PDF icon the_red_baron_assignment.pdf447.07 KB

Posted: February 21, 2017

We began listening to our new class novel today, The Outsiders. Please be sure to have chapters 1 and 2 read for tomorrow if you were not at school today.

Posted: February 21, 2017

We began chapter 26 on WW1 yesterday. We read through the first two sections and worked onthe questions today in class.

Students began the class with a quick quiz ion the events that started WW1 - this needs to be uinderstood and studied for the final test.

We will finish these tomorrow and correct them together. We will also begin watching a couple films pertaining to the topics discussed in our readings tomorrow. Please be sure to ahve the first two section querstions finished for tomorrow.

I have uploaded the map showing the Central Powers and the Allied Powers from WW1 and the weapons activity the students will also workmon tomorrow. This will be handed in for marks.

PDF icon central_and_allied_powers_1914.pdf350.23 KB
PDF icon weapons_activity.pdf102.77 KB

Posted: February 17, 2017

Students wrote the test for the Industrial Revolution chapter today in class. Anyone who missed today will write it on Monday or when they return to school.

* See February 15 post for handout material.

Posted: February 15, 2017

The test on the Industrial Revolution is FRIDAY!

I have uploaded a practice test and the test outline below. These are the 2 documents you should study.

Posted: February 9, 2017

Students completed the test on the map of Canada tyoday. 

For anyone not in class this morning, please be prepared to write this terst tomorrow.

IF there is a storm day tomorrow, the test on the map of Europe will still be on MONDAY and those not in class today will write BOTH tests on MONDAY. Please be reminded that...students have known about these tests since last Friday.

I have also uploaded the work completed and worked on in class today. 


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