Mrs. J. Underhill - Archived 08/20

English 9, English 112, History 112/113

Posted: April 25, 2017

Please finish the response to the Act I assignment for tomorrow's class. I have uploaded the assignment below. Please respond in at least 1/2 page.

Quiz on Act I will be written during class tomorrow. If you finish, you may work on your Hamlet Notebook Assignment. You may also have Thursday's class to work on this as well Some of you will not be in class tomorrow so you will write the quiz on Thursday.

Microsoft Office document icon hamlet_-_act_1_assignment.doc23.5 KB

Posted: April 24, 2017

Here is your assignment for the film Defiance. 

The due date for the assignment is at the end of class Monday, May 1.

*Please email all assignments to me for marking purposes.

**I have also uploaded the intro notes for the film as well in case anyone missed them.

Microsoft Office document icon defiance_-_intro_notes.doc403.5 KB
Microsoft Office document icon defiance_assignment.doc23.5 KB

Posted: April 24, 2017


Wed, May 10/17 8:35 am

Students received their final assignmet for our class novel today. I have attached a copy of the assignment below.

The due date for these projects will be May 10 - all work will be completed in class unless directed otherwise.

Posted: April 7, 2017

We began watching Storming Juno today. The students also received their assignment for this documentary. We will begin working on the assignment on Tuesday. They will be due to me on Thursday of next week.

I have uploaded a copy of the assignment below.

Intro to Hamlet presentations will begin first thing Monday morning.

Posted: April 7, 2017

We will return to the computer lab on Monday to finish typing up the newspaper articles. Most students have finished so we will only be there for about 20 minutes. If you need longer than this, you may need to complete some catch-up work at home this weekend.

Posted: April 5, 2017

Students began working on their newspaper article for the events in chapter 7 and chapters 3 and 4 of The Outsiders. We will be working on these until the end of class on Friday. These will be collected for marking on Monday, April 10. I have uploaded the information on the assignment below.

Microsoft Office document icon the_outsiders_-newspaper_article.doc74.5 KB

Posted: April 5, 2017


Mon, Apr 10/17 8:35 am


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