Mrs. J. Underhill - Archived 08/20

English 9, English 112, History 112/113

Posted: September 8, 2017

Well, we survived our first week. This week you began writing in your English journals. You completed the first two journal topics and after we have done ten entries, I will collect your journals for marking.

You then began the writing section of mock assessment. Many of you have finished your drafts and are ready to begin your editing for your good copies. We will continue this work on Monday.

No Homework, peeps.

Have a great weekend. 

Posted: September 8, 2017

We read through the assigned short story, "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson today.

Homework for Monday:

* Please complete al of the vocabulary

* PLease complete quesitons 1-4 of the questions for the story.

REMINDER - Test on the short story terminology will be on Tuesday of next week. You should study these on the weekend as well.

Please remember about your test on Acts II and III which begin in tomorrow's class.

We began the class with an article on William Shakespeare. Students then received a handout on the important terms for this unit.

Students were placed in their new work groups and we will begin the first assignemnt during tomorrow's class.

HOMEWORK - study your new term for a test on WEDNESDAY

*I have attached the terms to study.

Posted: May 11, 2017

ENGLISH 9 - Intro video on William Shakespeare

For those of you not in class today, please watch the video I have uploaded on Shakespeare and his works.

* While you are watching it, you should be making some notes on his birth and death, his family and his works and life in the theatre. Also, pay attention to the info on the Globe Theatre and info on Romeo and Juliet.


Many students are away for the Drama Festival Thursday and Friday so those of you in class Thursday and Friday, you will be working on the questions for Act III, scenes  1-4. Those of you not in class, please have these questions finished for Monday.


Final projects are due one week from today. You may need to take some time over your long weekend to work on these.

Posted: May 3, 2017

Microsoft Office document icon valkyrie_movie_assignment.doc33 KB

Posted: May 3, 2017

Please have all of the questions from Act II answered for Monday.

Also, because it is a long weekend for students, please work on your final projects for the Hamlet unit - your Notebook project and/or your comic strip.

I have attached the project guidelines below.


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