Mrs. J. Underhill - Archived 08/20

English 9, English 112, History 112/113

Posted: September 11, 2018

Students continued to work on their assignment for The Lottery in class today. We will be moving on with new work tomorrow.

REMINDER - assignment for The Lottery is due on Friday.

Posted: September 11, 2018


Fri, Sep 14/18 9:40 am


Tue, Sep 18/18 8:35 am

Posted: September 11, 2018

We read through section 2 ofg chapter 17 - students then worked on their notes for the vocabulary and people and places on page 546. 

TEST for this section will be next Tuesday, September 18.

Posted: September 7, 2018

Students worked on finishing their questions for "On the Sidewalk Bleeding" and we corrected them. We then discussed the story and then had a reading period. 

All students have novels now and you need to be reading as much as posssible because we will be having our first Book Talk towards the end of the month.

Posted: September 7, 2018

Students worked on their vocabulary and people and places for chapter 17. These all need to be competed for Monday as we will be moving on to section 2 of chapter 17 on Tuesday.

Posted: September 7, 2018

We reviewed the answers to the comprehension questions for "The Lottery" within the classroom groups. Then we went through the answers to the reading quiz as well. The class average for the quiz was 75%.

Students then used the remainder of the class to work on their assignment. They will have Monday's class as well but we will be moving on to another story on Tuesday so you must work on these on your own time until, they are due on Friday, September 14.

Posted: September 6, 2018

The attachment is the work the students worked on in today's class. We will continue this work tomorrow and it should all be completed by Monday. We will go over the responses in class together on Monday.

HOMEWORK for tonight: 

* Copy chart on page 542.

* Complete the Content Vocabulary Page 538

Posted: September 5, 2018

1. Get your course outline signed

2. Find the vocabulary words for "The Lottery"

3. Read "The Lottery"

4. Review the elements of short stories from grade 10 - you can review these through Google ;)  - a quiz on these tomorrow

Posted: September 5, 2018


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