Mrs. J. Underhill - Archived 08/20

English 9, English 112, History 112/113

Posted: April 20, 2018

We began chapter 28 on World War II today. We read through and discussed the first section. Students then worked on copying terms from page 573 and copying and completing the questions on page 578.

Posted: April 19, 2018


Mon, May 7/18 1:00 pm

The extended due date is May 7.

Posted: April 19, 2018

Please finish all of the Act 4 questions. Students bagn this work in today's class.

File acts_i_-_v_questions.docx17.06 KB

Posted: April 19, 2018

Please finish the chapter questions for chapters 10, 11 and 12. Most students have these finished as we have been working on them in class.

IF everyone completes their homework, we will be able to start the movie tomorrow.

Posted: April 12, 2018

Please remember that your Hamlet Notebook projects are April 27 - in 2 weeks.

Posted: April 12, 2018

Please finish all questions for the 1920s and 30s scrapbooks for MONDAY. We will correct these together at the beginning of Monday's class.

Posted: April 9, 2018

We corrected the answers to chapters 8 and 9 worksheets. We then began the Bio-poems. I have attached the outline and models for these. Please see attached sheets.

We will work on these for the rest of the week.

PDF icon bio_poem_models_2018.pdf307.77 KB
Microsoft Office document icon biography_poem.doc67 KB

Posted: April 3, 2018

We did not get to complete the Act 2 test today therefore, we will complete in tomorrow's class. Go over your answers to the questions for Act 2 to prepare for the test.

We will also begin reading Act 3 aloud tomorrow as well.

Posted: March 23, 2018

Please finish your Act 2 questions for Monday.

File acts_i_-_v_questions.docx17.06 KB


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