Posted: September 21, 2018
HOMEWORK - All journals (drafts and good copies) for "Freedom Writers" are due Monday.
Posted: September 21, 2018
HOMEWORK - All journals (drafts and good copies) for "Freedom Writers" are due Monday.
Posted: September 21, 2018
Students finished up all of the questions for "The Possibility of Evil". They then got their independent novels and started reading in order to prepare for their first book report in October.
Reminder - All "Stoning of Soraya M." assignments are due on Monday.
**Some students have assignments owing, please hand these in by Monday, as well.**
HOMEWORK - Complete "Stoning of Soraya M." assignments read from your novels
Posted: September 21, 2018
Posted: September 21, 2018
Students finished their notes for the French Revolution today. They then copied their test outline. I have uploaded a copy of the outline for anyone missing it.
The test will Monday, October 1, but keep an eye here and in class for any changes.
**Students should start studying for this now as it is one of the most difficult tests in this course.**
Posted: September 20, 2018
We read section 2 of chapter 18 "The French Revolution" today. I then dictated the notes for sections 1 and 2. We will finish up the notes in tomorrow's class.
Students were also told that the test for this chapter will be Thursday or Friday of next week so they should be studying until then. They will get their test outline early next week.
Posted: September 20, 2018
We began the new story today, "The Possibility of Evil'. Studenst read the story and worked on the questions. We will continue this work tomorrow.
Posted: September 20, 2018
Students worked on finishing uo the Hreedom Writers journals today because they are heading to MV tomorrow so they will not be having class.
If anyone did not finish these today, they must be finished for Monday.
HOMEWORK - finish good copies of Freedom Writers journals
Posted: September 19, 2018
Students worked on their "The Stoning of Soraya M." assignment today. We will move on with the new story tomorrow.
REMINDER: the assignment is due on Monday, September, 24.
Posted: September 19, 2018
We began The French Revolution today and students completed their work for section 1 - page 583. PLease finish this up for tomorrow. We will move on to section 2 tomorrow.
Posted: September 18, 2018
Students worked on their journal assignments for "Freedom Writers". We will continue this work in tomorrow's class.
HOMEWORK - read 20 minutes from your novels