Mrs. Lyons Archive 09/2014 Notes

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Posted: June 9, 2010

Hooray!!!  The train is booked from Miramichi to Rogersville on Friday, June 18th for 34 students!!! We will be going by bus from Blackville School to Miramichi and then boarding the train for Rogersville.  Once we are in Rogersville, we will eat lunch (please bring a bag lunch) at Mr. Tomato.  We will then tour Mr. Tomato – bakery and greenhouse. We are asking that each child bring in $8.00 to cover the cost of the train ride.  The ticket is $11.30, but the school will be covering the remainder.  Please have this money passed into your teacher by Thursday, June 10th , if you haven’t already done so. Thank you in advance

Posted: May 31, 2010

Our class is looking at taking a field trip in June to Miramichi and taking the train to Rogersville.  In Rogersville, we will be eating our bag lunch, touring the RCMP office and then heading back to the school on the bus.  However, the cost for the train ride from Miramichi to Rogersville is $11.30 so a notice is going home today with your child to inquiry if parents would be willing to pay $8.00 to compensate for the train ride.  Please sign this notice and send it back with your child so that we can decide if we will be able to take this field trip.  I will keep you posted!!! Have a great day!

Posted: May 18, 2010

  The June Scholastic Book Orders are due on May 26th. 

Posted: May 18, 2010

  Grade 2 will be writing a Literacy Assessement this week.  We will start on Thursday, May 20th and then continue again after the long weekend.  Please ensure that your child gets lots of sleep and eats a good breakfast so that they will be alert to write the assessment.  Good luck!

Posted: May 5, 2010

There will not be any school for students on Thursday, May6th and Friday, May 7th. Get out and enjoy the nice weather. Remember Sunday is Mother's Day!!!

Posted: May 5, 2010

It is time once again for our children to participate in the Go For 42 program.  All students are encouraged to walk/run 1-2 km each day from May 1oth to June 11th.  The program ends at the annual Mango Fun Run in Miramichi on July 4th, 2010.  Each student received a running log to keep track of their progress.  We will also keep track of the progress in class on a class chart.  Let's all try to get involved!!   For more info check this out:

Posted: May 3, 2010

Can you believe that we are in the month of May....only 2 more months until Summer vacation!!!   I just wanted to reminder my students and their families that there will not be any school on Thursday, May 6th and Friday, May 7th due to Teacher Meeting.   Also, remember that Sunday, May 9th is Mother's Day.  Please do something really nice for your mother/ grandmother on that day!! Have a good week!

Posted: April 27, 2010

Just a reminder that our Scholastic Book orders   are due on Wednesday, April 28, 2010.  Have a   good day!!

Posted: April 22, 2010

  Happy Earth Day!!!  Remember to turn out the   lights to conserve energy.

Posted: April 14, 2010

Check out this website:

Posted: April 9, 2010

The week of April 12-16th will be called "Be one of a kind week at Blackville School".  This week is meant to recognize the many kind and caring students we have here at our school and to encourage others to take actions to make a difference in their own, as well as someone else's life. We will be having a food drive all week to show we care about our community and to help make a difference for someone who may not be as fortunate as ourselves.  We will have other activities such as each class will be decorating a cut out of a Tshirt with a positive message.    Then on Friday, April 16th we will encourage all students and staff to wear pink to show the importance of making a difference and doing something to help others at Blackville School.  If you would like more information, please visit the following website:

Posted: April 7, 2010

Just a reminder that there will Parent Teacher interviews on Thursday, April 8th at 6:00 to 8:30pm and then again on Friday, April 9th at 8:30 to 11:30. Also, please note that there will not be any school for the students on Friday, April9th.   

Posted: April 1, 2010

This is Mrs. Lyons' favourite video...check it out!  

Posted: April 1, 2010

  We want to wish a very, very Happy 8th Birthday to Radley Coughlan from Grade 2/1L.  We hope you have an awesome day!!!!

Posted: March 30, 2010

There will be a Magic Show in the cafeteria on Wednesday, March 31st at 7pm in the cafeteria.  Advanced tickets can be purchased at the school for $5.00.  Hurry and get your tickets as they are only selling 150 tickets.
